The Confession

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(A/N: As I said in the last chapter, half, well most of the Akatsuki has been killed by Naruto. So there is no point in me doing the Kazekage Retrieval Arc since most of the Akatsuki is dead. There are differences though. Jiraya is alive, Nagato is no longer alive as he was killed. Obita, Konan, and Izumi have left the Akatsuki. Now we are in Kage Summit. Ja ne~)

"I am the Fifth Kazekage, Gaara of the Sand. And with me are my siblings Temari of the Sand and Kankuro of the Sand." Gaara started introducing himself.

"I am the Fifth Mizukage, Mei Terumi. And with me are my elite guards Chojuro and Ao." Mei followed up.

"My name is Kurosutchi. I am the Fourth Tschuikage and with me as my guards are Kitsuchi and Akatsuchi." Kurosutchi said sternly.

"I am the Fourth Raikage, A. And with me acting as my guards are C and Darui." The Raikage stated with deep voice.

"I am the Fifth Hokage, Tsunade Senju. And with me acting as my guard is Naruto Uzakaze Uchiha Senju." Tsunade stated proudly as Naruto had his arms cross with his eyes closed as if he wasn't interested.

"And I am Mifune, leader of the Samurai. And now we will begin the Kage Summit." Mifune stated as the Kage sat down but the guards kept standing.

"Now that we all here, let's get straight to business. We will talking about how the Akatsuki somehow disappeared. Anyone want to elaborate on that?" Mifune asked as Tsunade raised her hand to answer.

"Yes, Lady Tsunade?" Mifune said as Tsunade cleared her throat to talk.

"The reason why they have suddenly disappeared is because, they are dead." Tsunade stated as the Kages eyes widen in shock.

"WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY ARE DEAD?!" The Raikage yelled.

"They are dead because Naruto killed them." Tsunade answered with narrowed eyes.

"Is this true young Naruto?" Mifune asked as Naruto opened his eyes and his matured Sharingan was on full display while his rinnegan was hidden by his hair.

"Yes, Lord Mifune. I was the one who killed the Akatsuki." Naruto answered without any emotion. It was something he learned in ANBU and it was something that he could do perfectly.

"Do you mind explaining Naruto-kun?" Mei asked the tall boy. Naruto looked at her with a look that caused her to shiver.

"It's quite simple Lady Mei. Once they tried to capture me, I simply ripped their head off and burned the body. And two were immortal so I summoned Lord Shinigami to take their soul." Naruto stated professionally. Some of the ninja in the room paled when they heard he could summon Shinigami.

"So you killed the Akatsuki member who slaughtered half of my village?" Kurosutchi asked as she looked at Naruto with a stern look. Naruto just simply looked at her and sighed.

"I guess there is no point of keeping the truth from you, since you are the new Kage. There was never any Akatsuki member who slaughtered half of your village." Naruto said while catching everyone's attention even Tsunade's.

"Then who was it?" Kurosutchi asked while gritting her teeth.

"It was me. Well, technically it was my clone." Naruto said causing everyone to gasp and stare at him with wide eyes.

"W-Why?! You killed innocent women and children!!!" Kurosutchi yelled at Naruto who had no type of emotion on his face.

"If there is anyone to blame, blame your fool of a grandfather. He crossed the line when he took my daughter away from me. The blood is on his hands. Your village's suffering was caused by your grandfather. Be glad you have a place to call a village. I could have bombed your village to the point there would be nothing but a crater in the earth." Naruto said darkly which caused Kurosutchi to stare at him in fear.

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