Reveal of the Gods; Part 2

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A/N: And if you are wondering what Goku look like, the picture is up above. His hair will not be green as it will be black and his eyes are the same color as if he was in a Oozaru state.

And also, the gods will be taller than their usual height. The reason why I came up with this idea is because in order for the gods to use their full powers, they will need a more durable and stronger body.

As you already know Naruto is almost seven feet tall. Reason being is that he's a god in his own rights. In order for his wings to expand more, he will need to be taller.

In the last chapter, I stated that Goku was the true reincarnation of Sun Wukong. Meaning, that Goku has every ability of Sun Wukong. And if you don't know Sun Wukong's abilities, I suggest you look it up. Vegeta comes from the royal blood line of the first Super Saiyan God. These two also have the same abilities of the current manga and their Xeno counterparts.

Yeah. These two are the strongest beings in the entirety of the multiverse. Throughout the series of this book, they will be and always will be the top gods. And the gods and goddesses are ranked from Upper, Mid, and Low.

That's all I have to say! Now enjoy the story!

"Featherine-chan? Where are the other gods as of right now?" Goku, also known as God of Everything asked his wife, the Goddess of Everything.

"If I'm not mistaken, they are in their own universes right now. Why? Is there something you need my love?" She asked as she walked behind Goku, who was standing up. Goku, stood to a height of 8'11, towering over his wife, who stood at a height of 6'0.

"Yeah. I think it's time to meet up with the gods and goddesses, once again. Do you mind doing that for me?" Goku asked as he wrapped his tail around his torso. He stared outside his palace with a narrowed look while Featherine stared at her husband in slight confusion but nodded.

"No I don't mind at all. Forgive me for asking so many questions, but is something wrong?" She asked as she walked closer to her husband. Goku sighed before he turned around.

"Nothing is wrong Featherine. I merely just want to inform the gods and goddesses and what will happen with young Naruto." Goku simply stated as he gave Featherine a warm smile. Featherine smiled before hugging Goku around his torso.

"You know if there is anything troubling you, I'm always here to talk to you." She suggested as Goku returned the hug fully.

"I know, Featherine-chan." Goku said softly as he gently rubbed her cheek. Featherine smiled as she floated up and gave her husband a chaste kiss before leaving to inform the gods and goddesses. Goku eyes narrowed as he teleported out of his palace. Once he was outside, he began walking slowly until he stared at the vast and infinite multiverse.

He then began to raise a small percentage of his power, causing the said multiverse to shake due to the pressure and power being released. This even caused billions of planets to crumble into nothing as he did this. He stopped raising it and let out a deep breath.

"Hey Kakarot. Why are you raising your power like that? You know how dangerous that is." A familiar voice said causing Goku to chuckle.

"I know, I know Vegeta. The multiverse will be annihilated if we are to release a true power. Honestly, when was the last time have we used our true powers?" Goku asked as Vegeta started thinking thoughtfully before shrugging.

"Hell I don't know. It has been quite some time. Over a hundred thousand years." Vegeta said honestly. Goku sighed before he began walking with his best friend and rival. Vegeta stood at a height of 7'7, which was better than his old height of 5'4. "So Kakarot, what's this important meeting about?" Vegeta asked as the walked through Goku's palace. He also had a palace but Goku's was larger in size.

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