The Start of Chunin Exams - Meeting the Sand Team

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"So you are telling me that Naruto slaughtered over two thousand men?"

"Yes Sir."

"And came out unharmed?"

"Yes Sir. Not only that but also managed to free the women that were held hostage at the base and saved a little girl. I think he named her Ophis. The child and the ice user will be staying with Naruto for now on." Kakashi finished.

The Hokage sighed and started to rub his head while muttering. "I'm getting to old for this shit. Is that all Kakashi?" the Hokage asked.

"I'm afraid so sir." Kakashi said with a shrug. The Hokage nodded. "You are dismissed.". Kakashi nodded and disappeared in a purple lightning shushin. The Hokage look to his right as he started to see somebody emerge from the the dark corner.

"I see he is improving. He has a lot of potential. More than Madara and Hashirama combined. He will be something great for this village one day. If he can change how I once was before, then I know he can change anybody's heart." the mysterious figure stated.

"Yes I know. The Will of Fire burns tremendously in him. Wouldn't you agree.... Danzo?" the Hokage said with a smirk. The figure, now known as Danzo, came out of the dark with a smile.

"Yes you are right. I remember when he was just a little boy on the street looking for food. Look at him now. He's an one in a million prodigy far better than Itachi and Minato, awakened his sharigan at the age five and matured it 3 months later, became a seal master at the age of 9, a kenjutsu master at the age of 10, not to mention he joined the ANBU at the age of 5, became a captain around the age of seven, and became commander at the age of 10. If you ask me, when the boy reaches his prime, he will be legendary... Well he already is when you think about it." Danzo said with small chuckle as Hiruzen joined in with him.

The Hokage the proceeded to snap his fingers. As he he did that, an ANBU with a boar face mask appeared and kneeled.

"Board. Go and tell Naruto I need him in my office now."

"Yes Hokage-sama." Boar said with a nod and disappeared in a leaf shunshin.


Naruto and Ophis were walking around the village. Naruto wanted to show Ophis around the village and wanted her to have some fun since today was his day off. While they were walking.... Well why while Naruto was walking, they would stop by a store and Naruto would buy anything Ophis wanted. As the came out of a candy store, Ophis was on Naruto's shoulder with a lollipop in her mouth, while Naruto was carrying a big bag of sweets. He did the same thing his adopted daughter did, by putting a lollipop in his mouth and sealing the rest of the candy for later. That's one of the many things Naruto and Ophis had in common. The both had a sweet tooth. Another thing they had in common was they loved the color black. But Ophis liked wearing a dark color purple with black. Right now, Ophis had on a black shirt with a purple Uzamaki crest on the back of the shirt. She also had on black shorts with purple ninja sandals. Naruto just had on a black shirt with a blood red Uzamaki crest on the back of his shirt, with black ANBU pants and black sandals. While Naruto was walking with his daughter, he couldn't help but smile a genuine smile. This was first time he was really happy. Yes he was adopted and he was happy. But he had a warm feeling inside smiling at his daughter. This was his daughter. His child. HIS little princess. And he'll be damned if anyone tried to lay a finger on her.



"Can Ophis get a mask like you?" Ophis asked.

"Now why would you want to get a mask? You shouldn't try to hide that pretty face of yours." Naruto said with a warm smile.

"I wanna look cool like you tou-san!" Ophis exclaimed happily. Naruto let out deep laugh that caused everyone to look at him especially the women. The villagers were shocked seeing, Naruto being so nice, started to look down in shame at how they treated the boy. They could tell the boy was truly happy. Naruto, not noticing that the villagers and most of the females were watching him.

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