Fourth Great Ninja War: Naruto vs Finrith: Naruto's Rage and Last Stand

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"...aruto...naru...NARUTO!!!" Kurama yelled causing Naruto to take a deep gasp for air as his eyes opened widely.

"Kurama...what happened?" Naruto asked but before Kurama could answer Naruto got flashes of past events. His eyes widen in horror.

"They're dead..." Naruto mumbled. Kurama felt Naruto's power rising and gained an evil smirk.

"He killed them all Naruto...what will you do? Are you going to stand by and let him get away with that shit?"

"No..." Naruto answered in a deadly calm tone as eyes gained a dark crimson color with golden rings and reptilian like slits.

"No??? What will you do then??? Are you going to let there deaths be in vain???" Kurama edged on as his smirk grew darker.

"No...No No No!!!" Naruto growled as released a large amount of chakra and magic.

"FUCK NO!!! I'LL KILL THAT FUCKING DRAGON IF ITS THE LAST THING I DO!!!" Naruto yelled out in pure anger as chaotic storms start forming out of nowhere. Naruto released all of his wings and took to the skies as the mountain he was in got destroyed due to him taking off.

Finrith had an evil grin on his face but he felt an enormous amount of power heading towards him. He looked and his eyes widen in shock.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Finrith yelled in frustration.

"FINRITH!!! YOUR LIFE IS MINES YOU REPTILIAN BITCH!!!" Naruto yelled causing Finrith to sweatdrop a little bit.

" are kind of reptilian too..." Finrith pointed out.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" Naruto yelled as he picked up more speed, damn near teleporting to Finrith, causing the dragons eyes to widen as a punch was heading towards his face.

"Nani?" Finrith said weakly as the punched connected as it rattled his entire brain as he was punched away harshly. Naruto stopped flying and grinned evilly as red and black lightning started surrounding him as he floated in the air. He then disappeared out of then air.

Finrith grabbed his head in pain as he started fearing for his life. The brat just got strong out of no where and now he couldn't start shaking out of fear.

"HEADS UP HOE!!!!" Naruto yelled as he uppercutted the dragon, causing golden blood to spill from the dragons mouth. Finrith looked up and saw another Naruto flying towards him in neck breaking speed with crazed smile on his face.

"DO IT NARUTO!!!" Kurama yelled in Naruto's head.

"APOCALYPTIC..." Naruto started before he harshly grabbed the dragon's neck with large chakra arms as the wrapped around the dragons neck fully, "...RKO!!!!" Naruto finished as he harshly slammed the dragon's head to the surface of the Earth.

The Dragon was dazed but he heard Naruto laughing evilly and darkly as he stood on his body hitting a strange pose (a/n: Randy Orton pose).

"Get up bitch. We are not done. Tehehe, we're just getting this party fucking started!!!!" Naruto yelled as a dragon tail come out of his back from his tailbone as it had sharp spear at the of it. The tail crimson and black in color.

Naruto then used his tail to stab the dragon, causing the dragon to yell in pain.

"DAMMIT!!! DAMN YOU AND YOUR APOCALYPTIC MAGIC!!!" Finrith yelled in pain causing Naruto to grin madly.

"Oh I'm not done. Apocalyptic Adamantine Chains." Naruto growled out evilly causing Kurama's eyes to widen in shock and fear.

'The fuck did he just say?!' Kurama yelled in his head as he saw red and black chains erupted from every where around Naruto.

Naruto's evil laugh echoed throughout the battle field as the chains started wrapping around the dragon. Naruto summoned clones to take sides of the chain to fly into the air with dragon. Finrith looked at Naruto with fear.

"W-What are you doing you brat?! Why can't I fucking move?! Answer me!!!" Finrith yelled in anger and fear. Naruto's hollow chuckle brought even more fear to him.

"Those chains are made from chakra and magic. That's why you can't move. And to answer your question, you're about to die." Naruto said evilly as the chains got tighter around the dragon.

Naruto raised his hands up in the air as the lightning in the sky got more chaotic, causing him to laugh darkly.

"Lightning Style- Unholy Judgement." Naruto said as five large dragons made from lightning roared in the sky before striking the dragon, who screamed in pain as the technique was devastating.

Naruto then created a chain of his own and shot it towards the dragons heart. It successfully went through the dragon's skin and wrapped around its heart causing Naruto chuckle darkly as he forcefully ripped it out.

"You see Finrith, you're not like other gods so you can't restore your heart. You have to reincarnate once you die, which is every a thousand years. But you made a mistake coming to this planet. Every time you reincarnate, I will kill you." Was the last thing Finrith heard before he couldn't hear no more.

The clones then added chakra and magic to the chains to rip his body to pieces but Naruto took the opportunity to seize his head as he used his chain to impale the dragons head and bring it closer to him.

"GET OVER HERE!!!" Naruto yelled as he yanked the head towards him and caught it. The clones burst into smoke as Naruto grinned evilly as he held the head. Kurama grinned darkly and yelled out loudly.

"FUCK YEAH!!! THATS HOW YOU KILL A FUCKING DRAGON!!!" He yelled causing Naruto to laugh. Naruto flew into the sky so everybody could see him and raised the dragons head up and roared in a draconic way.

The Allied Shinobi saw this and cheered in joy as their Commander had defeated the mythical beast. Those who have died did not die in vain as their commander avenge their death. From that day forward, Naruto gained a new title throughout the Five Great Nations.

Naruto S.N Uzukaze, The Dragon Slayer.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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