The Wrath of the Angel of Death- Naruto vs 11,000 Shinobi

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Naruto, who was silently crying, let his wings began to raise him from the ground unconsciously. The shinobi began to noticed that now, Naruto had five sets of wings instead of three. Dark black chakra began to surround him as it started off as an skeletal form, then began to form into a humanoid form, until finally, the black chakra formed a demonic samurai, with an Omni mask (demonic mask) with two horns and blood red eyes.

The large samurai had two katanas in both hands that had black handle and a blood red blade made from chakra. It also had another Katana strapped to its back but it was sheathed. The Samurai also had ten dark black wings just like Naruto.

This was Naruto's Susanoo.

The old Tschuikage (I think that's how you spell it???) looked in horror and fear. He began to have flashbacks of one specific man.

'Madara!' he thought in horror.

Naruto looked down on the Rock and Sand shinobi with nothing but pure fury and hatred. His left eye was different. It was a dark violet eye with rings. This was the legendary rinnegan.

Naruto raised his right hand up and made the ram handsign.

The next thing the Shinobi knew the ground began to shake violently. Big chunks of the ground began to come together to make huge meteor like rocks. In other words, they were huge. (A/N: Think about the meteors Madara dropped during his fight against the shinobi alliance. They are about that size.)

Six of these huge meteors rose above the Susanoo's head as the Susanoo raised its katana into the air. Everyone was frozen in fear. Everything was quiet until Naruto said something that made the shinobi's heart drop.

"Be crushed like the bugs you are. Planetary Devastation- Heavenly Drop!" Naruto said as the huge meteors began to fall much to the Sand and Rock ninja's horror as everything went black.

(2 hours earlier)

"Commander, we have dealt with most of the Suna and Iwa shinobi. We have left the rest to you commander." an ANBU captain who goes by Hawk informed Naruto, who was smoking a blunt while waiting for the rest of the army to come.

"Very good Hawk. Tell the rest of the ANBU to sit back and watch the show." Naruto said as blew smoke from his mouth.

The ground began to shake slightly, causing Naruto smirk.

"Here they come." Naruto stated as he took one last puff of his blunt before throwing it down and stomping down on it. He then lifted up his mask, bit his thumb and slid it against the seal tattoo that was written on his arm. In a puff a smoke, was something that his grandfather had left behind for him as a gift.

His grandfather's war fan. He held it up and let it rest on his right shoulder as he saw they large army come to a stop.

Both Commander's of the Suna and Iwa shinobi came in front of their army and looked up to Naruto. The Iwa Commander began to amplify his lungs with chakra and began to talk.

"Naruto Uchiha Namikaze! For the crimes that your grandfather and father committed, you shall be put to the death!" he yelled.

"Oh? Is that so? And do enlighten me who shall be my executer?" Naruto asked with an raised eyebrow.

"We will be your executer! The Sand and the Rock will come together to bring down!" the Sand Commander yelled causing the Sand and Iwa shinobi to go up in an uproar. Naruto looked down on them with disgust and hatred.

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