Chunin Exams: Written Exams

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"Ugh... So today is the day? *yawn* Well might as well get up and get my stuff ready."

Today was the day. The first part of the Chunin Exams. We see Naruto getting out of the bed stretching and getting his ninja equipment ready. After getting his Katanas, ninja wire, ninja scrolls, kunai's, paper bombs, and other ninja equipment ready, he went to take a shower.

After showering, Naruto went into his room and started choosing what to wear.

"Hmm??? Should I my mother's coat or my father's? Since I'm wearing all black I'll go with Mom's coat." Naruto said as he finally made up his mind.

His mother's coat was similar to that of his father's but instead of being a white coat with red flames, his mother's coat was black with red flames at the bottom of the coat. On the back of the of the coat, it had the Kanji for "Red Death" (赤い死) in blood red.

After that Naruto got the rest of his clothes which consisted of a black,  tight, long sleeve shirt, black ANBU pants, black combat ninja boots, and his grandfather's black gloves. He got his fathers arm bands that he used to wear around his arms and put it around his arms. He then put his hair in a ponytail with his mother's blood red ribbon she used to wear on her missions.

After getting ready, Naruto went to Ophis's room to wake her up. When Naruto introduced Ophis to his foster mother, Yūgao, she instantly fell in love with little Ophis and started to spoil her when she got the chance. The instantly started to bond when they both found out they liked the same color. Every since then, Ophis and Yūgao been inseparable from each other.

Getting out of his thoughts, Naruto made it to Ophis's room. Naruto knocked on the door and didn't get no answer so he knocked again. After five minutes Naruto went into her room and made his way to her bed and sat down gently. Naruto stared at his daughter and smiled at how peaceful she looked. He gently got her hair out of her face and started shake her gently.

"Hime." Naruto said in a smoothing, melodic, deep voice. "It's time to get up." As he said that, Ophis started to gently open her eyes. She turned and saw who woke her up. Once she saw who it was, she smiled brightly and hugged her father.

"Good morning Tou-san" she said happily. Naruto smiled and pet her head and kissed her forehead.

"Good morning my little Hime. Did you sleep well?" Naruto asked with a warm smile.

"Hai! I had a dream that I was a big dragon. And there were people with white wings, black wings like yours and and wings like bats! And there were other dragons too!" Ophis said while moving her hands in a cute gesture. Naruto laughed heartly.

"That's an interesting dream Hime. But today I have to go the Chunin Exams which means I won't be with you until the day is over. But today you are going to Naomi's house today." Naruto said.

"You mean the pretty lady?" Ophis said with a cute confused face and a tilt to her head. Naruto laughed and petted her head. "Yes the pretty lady. Now go find something to wear while I go cook some breakfast." Naruto said.

"Ok Tou-san!" Ophis said as she got up and ran to the bathroom. Naruto chuckled and went downstairs.

(30 minutes later)

"Tou-san that breakfast was good!" Ophis said while sitting on Naruto's shoulder with a cookie in her hand. They were walking down the street to Naomi's house.

"Thank you Hime. I knew you would like it." Naruto said with a chocolate bar in his hand. "For you to be four year old, you sure do know how to pick out something to dress in." Naruto said as he looked up at his daughter. Ophis giggled. "I learn from the best." she replied. Ophis had on a dark purple turtle neck, with black pants and violet sandals. She also had her dragon mask on the side of her head with a backpack on that had her sweets and her dragon plushie. Naruto, just like Ophis, had his Kitsune anbu mask but it was sealed.

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