Fourth Great Ninja War Part Two: Naruto vs Zabuza; The Rematch

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"What's the status Sakura?"

"Broken ribs and a severed arm. I'll stop the bleeding with my Healing Ninjutsu." Sakura answered Shizune while concentrating on the severed arm of the man.

"Where is Haku?" Sakura asked Shizune.

"She was ordered to go with with Izumi's group along with Satsuki Uchiha." Shizune answered as Sakura nodded as she finished up healing the man. She used the back of her hand to wipe the little sweat that was dripping from her forehead.

"He's going to be alright now. He just needs to rest."

"How many people have you healed so far Sakura?" Shizune asked.

"About 30 people so far. 15 Kunoichi and 15 ninja." Sakura answered as Shizune nodded.

"Take a break Sakura, you've done well."

"No I'm fine. I can keep going." Sakura reassured as Shizune narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Sakura, your the best medic we have out here. Hell you are better than me. You have to rest. We need medics like you ready when we need them. Now rest, and that's an order." Shizune ordered as Sakura sighed but nodded before walking out.

'She healed thirty people within two hours. It won't be long before she surpasses Lady Tsunade.' Shizune thought while wrapping the man in bandages as he was sleep.

-With Izumi-

"What's the plan Izumi-san?" Konan asked as her, Obita, Satsuki, and Izumi jumped through the trees.

"The orders were to stop Kabuto. He has begun to reanimate strong ninjas back from the dead which makes this war more complicated." Izumi informed the other women as they listened to her.

"After we find Kabuto, I will put him in a Genjutsu to release the Reanimation Jutsu and once he does that, we will kill him." Izumi said darkly as Konan and the rest of the women nodded.

"Do you think Naruto will be alright?" Obita asked concerned about the boy.

"Oh he'll be alright. I know he will be, plus he won't die anyways so there is nothing to worry about." Satsuki reassured Obita as everyone turned to her with a raised eyebrow.

"What do you mean he won't die?" Obita asked.

"Wait Naruto didn't tell you?" Satsuki asked with slightly wide eyes.

"Tell us what?" Izumi asked, wanting to know what her little sister talking about.

"Naruto is immortal." Satsuki flat out told them as their eyes widen.

"WHAT?!" A voice from up above yelled as Obita looked up and got stars in her eyes.

"DEIDARA-CHAN~ YOUR ALIVE!!!" She yelled out to her best friend as Deidara gained a tick mark on her forehead with a small blush on her face.

"OI! OBITA! I TOLD YOU TO STOP CALLING ME THAT!!!" Deidara yelled out.

"But you're my best friend!" Obita yelled back at her with a friendly smile as Deidara growled before turning her head so nobody could see her blushing.

"Tehehe~ Deidara-chan is blushing~"

"How do you even know that I'm blushing and I'm all the way up here?!"

"That's my secret Deidara-chan hehehe~" Obita teased as the other three women sweat dropped at the antics of the two women.

"So how is Naruto immortal?" Izumi asked as everyone began listening to Satsuki once again.

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