Fourth Great Ninja War Part Three: Finrith; The Dragon God of the Heavens

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"Finrith? Where have I heard that name?" Naruto thought to himself before his eyes widen. "Y-You can't be him?!" Naruto yelled as Madara looked towards his grandson.

"Naruto? What's going on? Who's this man?" Madara asked as the said man chuckled lowly before it turned into a full blown laughter.

"Oh you foolish human. Did you not hear what I said earlier?" Finrith asked sarcastically with a grin.

"Jiji...the person we are facing no ordinary person at all. This person in front of a god." Naruto said shocking Madara greatly.

"What?!" He yelled as Finrith started clapping slowly.

"So you do listen? Good, because I don't like repeating myself." Finrith stated with a narrowed look. He then looked around and saw many ninjas coming, making him smirk evilly. The smirk put Naruto on edge as he followed Finrith's eyes and saw the incoming army from the west. Naruto looked back at Finrith only to see him gone.

"Naruto! He's up in the air!" Madara yelled as he covered himself in his Susanoo and began flying towards Finrith, who had his own pair of dragonic feathered golden wings. Naruto grunted in aggravation as released his set of seven midnight black wings and took off in order to catch up with the dragon god.

Finrith smirked as he flew up to the sky and looked down below of the incoming army from the west. He raised his hands up in the air and the sky began to glow a golden color, causing the army to stop and look up.

-Down Below: Gaara's Division-

"Commander that doesn't look good!" Shikamaru said as he felt the intense power from up above.

"I know but who is that mysterious person?" Gaara asked to himself. He had a bad feeling in his gut.

"Gaara? GAARA?!" A voice yelled in Gaara's head causing him to wince in pain.

'Huh? Naruto? What's going on?' He asked mentally as he heard the panic in Naruto's voice.

"Gaara! Take cover now! Command your troops to take cover now!!!" Naruto ordered in a commanding tone.

'Understood.' Gaara answered without hesitation and ended the link. He then turned to his force's quickly.


-Up Above: With Finrith-

"Foolish humans. Are they trying to protect themselves from my attack? Teh, it won't matter. You can't dodge an attack of pure light. Heavens Retribution." Finrith said coldly as arrows made of pure light, lit up the sky. Finrith brought down his hand, which sent the arrows down to the army below. Some managed to survive, majority were incinerated by the light based attack.

Finrith laughed evilly as he saw the blood down below him.

"TeheheheHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Finally! I can start my plan of over taking this Universe! Starting by cleansing this planet of its disgusting species of lowly humans! But for now..." He stopped as he looked towards Naruto's and Madara's direction and saw that they were coming. "I have to get rid of that boy. Even if he is family, he'll only be in the way of my plans." Finrith said as he created a sword made from light and took off towards the two men.

"Naruto! He's coming our way!" Madara yelled as he unsealed his scythe and war fan. Naruto unsheathed his cursed katana and narrowed his eyes.

"I'll attack him head on. You just cover me gramps!" Naruto said as he flew with more speed in order to get to Finrith. Finrith saw this and smirked and sped up also, closing up the gap between faster and faster before the met up in the middle and clashing with each other and causing a large explosion in the sky.

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