The Arrival of the Angel of Death: Naruto vs Gaara

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(Shika vs Temari- Same as Anime
Shino vs Kankuro- Same as Anime
Neji vs Yugito Nee- Same as Naruto vs Neji in the Anime)

"For the final match, can I please get Gaara of the Sand and Naruto Uzukaze down here!" Genma yelled.

Gaara body flickered down to the arena, leaving a pile of sand at where he once stood.

Everyone began to wonder what Satsuki, Sakura and the rest of the Rookie Nine was wondering before the start of the chunin exams.

Where was Naruto? The Jonin Sensei's began to wonder the same thing too. Ophis, who was sitting on Haku's leg, began to worry about her father not seeing that he was there.

Genma look at his watch and sighed. It has been five minutes and Naruto wasn't even here yet. He added chakra to his vocal cords as he began to talk.

"Due to Uzukaze Naruto not being here, he has be-" he stopped when the clouds began to get darker and the wind began to pick up. Storm clouds began to roll in making the sky get darker than it was before.

Sooner or later, red lightning began to dance in the clouds menacingly. Everybody had chill go up their spines as the felt the cold wind touch their skin. For the Konoha shinobi and even some foreign shinobi, they knew who was causing this.

'He's here!' They all thought.

Then the great display of lightning and roaring thunder stopped. The sky then began to look like it was splitting open. After what seemed like hours of splitting, the only thing you could see up in the split cloud was nothing but darkness that gave off an eerie vibe. The whole arena was quiet. Nobody dared to make a sound as their attention was on the dark and ominous cloud.

Genma, who was staring at the cloud curiously until his sixth sense told him to move out of the way, so he jumped out of the way. Good thing he did so, as a huge red lightning bolt came from inside of the dark clouds and struck where he was standing, causing him sweat in slight fear.

Once the huge lighting bolt disappeared, there stood a figure, who stood over six feet. He had on a black jumpsuit that resembled the fourth's blue jumpsuit. He had two gold armbands on each arm, with black leather ninja gloves, black ANBU combat boots. He also had on a black chest plate tht was similar to the ANBU outfit but it was black and had 'ANBU' in big white letters written across it. He also had on a black Haori with golden flames at the bottom. On the back of the Haori, it had the Kanji for Angel of Death written in gold. The person also had three Katana's strapped to his back. He had on a ANBU mask, but it was different from other mask as his mask was black with three red whiskers. It also had the kanji for Fox written in a blood red color on the top of the mask.

His hair was in a pony tail, that reached to the middle of his back, but you could see that the hair from the back of his head to his neck was shaved off. He had two shoulder length bangs, that had golden blonde highlights in the left bang, and blood red highlights in the right.

Throughout the mask you could see the menacingly violet eyes that had slits for pupils. The glare he was giving Gaara made the One Tailed Jinchuriki shiver in fear. But that wasn't what got everybody's attention.

Everyone stared in awe at the six black wings that was emerging out of the figures back. They radiated so much power and pressure, and gave the figure a majestic look. Soon every ANBU member circled the whole arena on one knee, showing their respect to their commander.

While everyone was in awe, one person was so happy that the next words the person spoke broke everyone out of their thoughts.

"TOU-SAN!!!" Ophis yelled in glee and happiness. Everyone looked at Ophis with wide eyes then looked back to the figure. The figure brought his hand to his mask and took it off. He then turned to look to Ophis with warm smile shocking everyone seeing who the figure was. It was Naruto Uzakaze himself

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