Mission to the Wave Finale: The Massacre on the Great Naruto Bridge.

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Today was the day. The day that Team 7 and Team 8 meet Gato at the bridge. Team 7 and Team 8 have been training hard. According to Naruto's clone, Gato find out that Zabuza and Haku stopped working for him. So he hired an army of chunin ranked ninja's and thugs. Close to two thousand men. Speaking of Naruto, we find him outside of Tazuna's house leaning against the porch, smoking. He was thinking if he should wear any ninja armor or keep on what he already had on. He looked down at his outfit. He was wearing a tight black tank-top that showed his muscles, with black ANBU pants, with black combat ninja boots. Along with his grandfather's black gloves. He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard the door open and saw Kakashi walk out.

"Yo Naruto."

"What is it Kakashi-nii?" asked Naruto as he took his blunt out of his mouth.

"Oh nothing. I was just checking up on you. To see if you were alright. Because of... you know... last night." said Kakashi.

"I'm alright. It just pissed me off." said Naruto as he took another puff of his blunt. "So what's the plan Kakashi-nii?" asked Naruto as he blew out smoke. Kakashi walked over to Naruto and leaned against the other side of the porch and pulled out his book.

"Well. If your clone's were right about Gato having women and selling them, You can send four clones to the location of where the women are located. You should also leave two clones here at Tazuna's house. We know Gato will try to send his thugs to get Tsunami and Inari. One of the clones can get them to a safe place while the other clone just deal with the thugs." explained Kakashi. Naruto sat there and listened to the plan.

"And Gato?"

"Once we get the information and access to his bank accounts, we kill him and take his money and give it to the wave. He doesn't even deserve to live."

"Understood." said Naruto as he took one last puff of the last bit of his blunt. He threw the bud down and stomped on it. Naruto and Kakashi were quietly watching the sunrise until Kakashi broke the silence.

"So Naruto."


Unknown to them, while they were talking two women and four girls were up in the kitchen. While they were in there, the women were listening to everything. How? Well the window in the kitchen was open.

"I was wondering, how are going to deal with so many women? Knowing that the council put you in the CRA, I know it's gonna be hard to deal with so many women, so how are you going to do it." asked Kakashi as he looked at his surrogate little brother. Naruto chuckled.

This caught the women's and girls attention who were listening to to the two men talk. They were waiting for Naruto's answer. Who are these two women and four girls? These two women were Tsunami and Kurenai and the four girls were Satsuki, Hinata, Sakura, and Haku.

"I plan on loving them equally and unconditionally. I plan on being honest and being loyal to them and show them love and respect and treat them as if they were queens, which they are. I have a lot of respect for women. And I always will. When I found out about my mother, I was sad that she died but I was happy to find out if it wasn't for her I wouldn't be here. Did you know that, during the nine tails attack, she stopped the nine tails while still being weak from child labor and having the nine tails being ripped from her body? Not only that, she jumped in front of the nine tails claw and was impaled by the claw in order to save me. She was a strong woman. But back on topic. I'll treat them with love and care. I'll try to be the best for them and all ask is for their love and loyalty. Knowing me I probably can't take being heart broken." said Naruto.

The women and girls were beyond shocked. They didn't know what to say so they just kept listening to the two brothers talk.

"So how do you feel about them little bro?"

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