Naruto: Konoha's Fallen Angel Book Series Preview; Awakening, 700 years later

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The Great War. A war that had between the Three Factions. The Angels. The Fallen Angels. The devils.

The said war lasted for 600 years, causing a lot of casualties in the Three Factions, especially the Devil Faction.

But with war, there is always a cost. The Angel Faction, lost their leader, God, who is also known as Yahweh. He had lost his life, by sealing the Apocalyptic Beast, Trihexa, from destroying the world.

The Devil Faction, lost four of their original Leaders, Lucifer, Beelzebub, Leviathan, and Asmodeus. Lucifer died by helping his father seal away the Apocalyptic Beast. While the other three died bravely by taking out an army of Angels and Fallen Angels with them.

Luckily, for the Fallen Angel Faction, also known as the Grigori, their leader, Azazel, survived throughout the war and had decided to retreat in order to save his people.

What people didn't know was that not only God and Lucifer was sealing away the Apocalyptic Beast, but they were also sealing away someone else. Someone who was far more dangerous than the Apocalyptic Beast and Dragon Gods combined.

"I will return Yahweh, Lucifer Morningstar. When the blood of my descendent touches your seal, I shall reawaken. And once I do, mark my words, I will make this world mines. Do not fret for I will bring true peace to this Earth. And if I can't bring true peace to this world, I will simply purge this world. Each faction shall be wiped out even my own kind if I have to do so. And I will start a new world. Keep these words in your head as you pass on to the afterlife. You have done everything to keep me sealed but in the end it will be futile. For I am a being a darkness and light. I am the true and first Fallen Angel."

These words brought fear into the dying leaders as they feared that everything they fought for will be wiped out by this being once he is released. He would decide if the world is worth saving or not. If not, then he would destroy it, and there is no one that can stop him. Yahweh looked towards his first son for the last time and smiled. Lucifer saw this and his eyes widened.

"This is it my son. Even though we didn't see eye to eye and went our separate ways, just know that even though you betrayed me, I have always loved you my dear son." Yahweh smiled as Lucifer eyes widen as a tear slipped from his eye as he chuckled softly and weakly.

"Yeah...I could say the same as well old man. I love you too father, and I hope you can forgive." Lucifer asked as Yahweh smiled warmly at his son.

"I had forgiven you a long time ago my child." Yahweh answered causing Lucifer to smile as his eyes started to close.

"I...see...thanks...old man." Lucifer whispered before his eyes closed completely and released his last breath as Yahweh cried silently seeing his first born die in front of him. Yahweh then slowly looked up to the sky and smiled as tears kept falling from his eyes.

'So this is where I die? It was bound to happen. Michael, my sweet boy, I leave everything to you, my son.' Yahweh thought before passing away with a smile gracing his face. What he didn't notice was that he and Lucifer had unconsciously held hands for the last time before passing away.

-60 Years Later-

After the Great War, there was a Civil War between the Devils. You see, there were Devils who wanted to continue the Great War. These Devils were known as the Old Satan Faction while the ones who opposed the thought of continuing the Great War were the Anti-Satan Faction. During this war, four devils rose to the top and became the knew four leaders of the underworld, ending the Civil War.

The Satan positions where then given to Sirzechs Lucifer of the Gremory Clan, Serafall Leviathan of the Sitri Clan, Ajuka Beelzebub of the Astaroth Clan, and Falbium Asmodeus of the Glasya-Labolas Clan. These four devils were born with immense power, equivalent or superior to the original four and were chosen for the Satans' positions despite not carrying the blood of the original Satans. Sirzechs, was stated to be stronger than the Original Lucifer himself, making him the strongest devil to ever walk the Earth.

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