Chunin Exams: Forest of Death;The End of Orochimaru

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"Alright Gaki's Listen Up! For those who passed the first part of the Chunin Exams, congratulations. Now welcome to my favorite part of the exams, my favorite place to visit, and the second part of the exams, Training Ground 44 or also known as The Forest of Death!" Anko finished with a sadistic grin that sent shivers down some of the contestants backs.

We see Team 7, who surprisingly doesn't seem affected by Anko's grin, were minding there own business in their own little world.

Sakura, who was playing with senbon needles, had on a white, long-sleeved shirt, with pink outlines O the sleeves, with a white coat that reached all the way down to her legs, that had sakura petals at the bottom of the coat. On the back of the coat it had the kanji for 'Team 7' in pink. She also had white ANBU pants that showed her curves, that had pink outlines on the side of the pants, along with some whites sandals. She also had her long hair in a ponytail with a pink ribbon, with her ninja headband tied around her forehead. All in all, she was beautiful, causing some of the boys to have nosebleeds.

Satsuki who was looking at the ring that Naruto gave her and thinking an what should she cook tonight, had on black ANBU pants, with a long-sleeved violet shirt, with black ninja sandals. It wasn't a surprise that this type of clothing showed off her curves, that caused some boys to faint. She also had on a coat that was black and had purple tomoes at the bottom of the coat. This coat also reached the back of her legs and also had the kanji for 'Team 7' on the back of it.

Lastly, standing taller than all the genins, was Naruto who had his eyes closed..... sleeping. He had on a dark, black tank-top that showed off his lean body and his muscles. He also wore black ANBU pants, and black combat boots with his grandfather's gloves. He had on coat similar to his father's, but it was black with blood red flames that had the kanji for 'Forbidden Angel'. He also had the huge sword that he made for Zabuza strapped to his back. (A/N: If you don't know what it looks like, it looks like just like Zabuza's blade but the blade is made out of black chakra metal, with a black and blood red hilt)

Anko, seeing Naruto sleep, caused her eyebrow to twitch. The genins looked at him with questioning looks. Anko thought of something then gained a sinister grin. She took a kunai, and threw it at Naruto at full speed, that the genins couldn't see.

Time seemed to slow down as the kunai came to Naruto. With his eyes closed, Naruto caught the kunai between his fingers, as the kunai was meer inches away from his face. Naruto moved the kunai slowly away from his face and gave Anko a light glare that caused her to sweat a little. Naruto then took the kunai, and threw it tremendous speed that surprised everybody.

As the kunai passed Anko's face, everybody saw the kunai go into the Forest of Death and split a tree in half. Anko and the genins looked at the tree with fear and turned to look at Naruto but he wasn't there.

"It's not polite to try and kill someone while there sleep ya know? Especially since it's me. You should already know that Hebi-hime~." Naruto said, with a tri-pronged kunai to Anko's neck while amplifying his voice with chakra at the end of the sentence making him sound like Kurama.

If Anko wasn't scared now, well now she is and so where the genins. Anko started trembling, regretting that she even through loved Naruto, she knew not make him pissed off. The things he could do when he was pissed of terrified her. Hell, when ever Naruto came into the Torture and Investigation facility, she never watched him because the things he did was inhuman.

"S-sorry Naruto-kun. I was just trying to make sure if your paying attention." Anko said with fear in her voice which Naruto noticed. Naruto took a deep breath and sighed and removed the kunai from Anko's neck. He walked around Anko and stood in front of her.

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