We meet at last... Naruto

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It has been a week since the stone village tried to kill Naruto and his daughter. After Ophis woke up from exhaustion, she was completely worried for her father's safety but was relieved to find out that her father was doing well and had no injuries. After the failed assassination attempt, Naruto kept his daughter by his side.

Right now, we see Naruto in his room sitting at a table located in the kitchen, with his hair down from his usual ponytail which caused his hair to touch the middle of his back. His jaw-length bangs were covering his eyes, so you couldn't tell if he was asleep or not. He had nothing on but a pair of black pajama pants. After the traumatic experience of almost being assassinated, Ophis has been having nightmares and would have trouble sleeping. The only way she would go to sleep is by sleeping close to her father, which Naruto didn't mind.

Tonight was different though. Naruto was having dreams about his childhood past and that kept him from sleeping. Since his nightmares was keeping him awake, he decided to just sit up for a little while or maybe not go to sleep at all. While he was sitting at the table, something felt off. Very off. Feeling that something wasn't right, Naruto  kept his guard, not looking up from the table. There was complete silence. It seemed as everything in Konoha was on mute. Then there was something that broke the silence.

"So we meet at last, Naruto Namikaze." an unknown voice said out of nowhere. Naruto didn't move or look up from the table as a figure just appeared out of nowhere. The figure had on a orange mask, a black coat with red clouds.

"Not much of a talker I see, well then let me introduce myself. My name is Madara Uchiha." the man now named Madara spoke again.

Naruto didn't have any reaction, nor did he respond to the man. He just sat there in complete silence which was starting to irritate the man. Finally after the long silence, Naruto sighed. He then reached into his pants and took out a pill bottle. Inside this bottle was another type of medicine that kept mindset right. In other words, if Naruto didn't have that medicine, he would probably be bat-shit crazy.

After opening the cap, Naruto took one pill out of the bottle and put it in his mouth and swallowed it without water. Naruto then glared at the man who claimed to be Madara with his dark menacingly purple eyes. This caused the imposter to flinch one he saw the glare.

"Who the hell are you?" Naruto asked coldly.

"As I said before, I am Mada-" before the imposter could finish, a kunai flew above his head.

"I'll ask you one last time and I better get the answer I want." Naruto threatened with his killing intent rising by the minute, causing the man to sweat bullets.

"I said, who the hell are? And why the fuck are you in my house?" Naruto questioned coldly activating his matured sharigan in the process. Behind Naruto was a silhouette of Madara Uchiha with a crazed smile on his face with his Eternal Mangekyo Sharigan activated, causing the man to shake with fear.

"Hold up....... Ah! Now I remember you. You're that son of bitch that forced Kurama to kill my parents aren't you?" Naruto asked with a dark look on his face. As he asked this, the man turned pale behind his mask.


"Don't worry about it. I will kill you later on when I feel like it."

"R-Right. But the reason why I'm here Namikaze-san is because someone wants to meet you."

"And who is this person that wants to meet me? Why couldn't he or she just come with you?"

"I don't know but please understand that this is an important matter." the Madara imposter said. Naruto sat there and thought if he should go or not. He sat there thinking about the pro's and con's of going. The con being that this could be a trap. After all there are a group of rogue ninjas none as the Akatsuki and he could be kidnapped because of him being a Jinchuriki. And the pro's could be him finding out more about the Akatsuki and finding there base. But he highly doubts that this man would take him straight to the Akatsuki base, so he scratched that off the list.

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