Konoha's Fallen Angel Book Series Preview; Awakening, 700 years later; Pt 2

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"Ophis?! As in the Dragon God of Infinity?!" Rias asked shocked as everyone eyes widen in complete shock except Issesi who had a look of confusion on his face.

"Draig, who's this Dragon God of Infinity?" Issei asked the dragon.

"She's the third strongest being in this world after Great Red, the Dragon God of Dreams and her father, Naruto." Draig answered causing Naruto to look towards Issei with narrowed look, giving the said boy a shiver up his spine.

"Draig. It seems you have awaken." Naruto said with a dark smirk as his red eyes gleamed in slight delight, causing the said dragon to gulp in fear.

"Tell me. Has Albion awaken as well?" Naruto asked Draig.

"Yes. He has been awaken for quite some time now." Draig answered Naruto as the God of the Apocalypse smirked evilly.

Naruto then held his hand out to the group and surrounded a barrier around them, shocking and scaring them.

"What is he doing?! Is he about to kill us?!" Issei asked frantically.

"No. He put a barrier around you in order to release his power to let the work know he has broken from his seal." Draig answered as everyone watched as Naruto released his midnight black wings and dragon wings included.

A dark red and black aura began to surround him as a humanoid figure began rising to great heights going over 300 meters. Everyone stared at the humanoid figure in shock and fear as it looked way too similar to a certain Shinto god.

"It's been a while since I used Susanoo. Oi Kurama wake up, it's time to stretch for a bit." Naruto said and the said fox sealed inside of him grinned darkly before slapping his hands together with Naruto.

Koneko eyes gathered with fear as she felt and enormous amount of senjustu being released, but her eyes widen when she saw the large golden fox inside of Naruto's Susanoo, as if it was its armor. But this fox didn't have nine tails...it had ten.

Kurama grabbed the two katanas from the sheathe of the Susanoo and swung his tails around gracefully before releasing a roar that made even Draig shiver in fear.

"Never in my life have I ever seen a Fox with ten tails." Draig said in awe as Rias stared at the man in complete fear, as she never felt this much power before.

Naruto looked down and stared at the group before grinning and took off in the air with his Susanoo. His eyes changed to his draconic eyes before he released another roar of his own, that was felt through heaven and hell.

-Down in Hell-

The King of Devils, Sirzechs Lucifer, previously known as Sirzechs Gremory, was going through paperwork with a focused look on his face as his Queen, Grafiya Lucifage, was standing right beside him with their son, Milicas.

As Sirzechs was going through his paperwork, all of hell was pushed down with an extremely powerful force full of nothing but pure power. His eyes widen in shock as he turned to his wife, who rarely showed any emotion, shivered in slight fear as did their son, who was trembling badly.

Before he could say anything his father and mother rushed in with wide eyes.

"Sirzechs!! Did you feel that?!" His father asked him in panic. Sirzechs teeth gritted before letting out a sigh.

"Yes father...it seems he has awakened from his slumber." Sirzechs answered gravely causing everyone's eyes to widen. He then turned to his wife.

"Grafiya, inform the other three devil kings that we are heading to Kuoh immediately." Sirzechs ordered as his wife nodded before teleporting. Sirzechs mother comforted her grandson as he tears of deep fear from the power he felt. Sirzechs looked to his father and mother.

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