Another Preview: I'm Not Dead People

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"Yo Pres' why'd you call us here?" Issei asked the red head President of the group. He looked to see a silver haired woman beside her as well.

'Damn her tits are huge!!! I can just imagine motor boating those milkers!!' He thought with a straight face but inside, he was acting like a wild dog trying to get off the leash.

"And who's her?" He pointed out. The silver haired woman finally opened her eyes and scanned the room and noticed something that caught her eye.

"Rias, why is there a fallen angel here?" She asked as she looked towards Raynare, who gulped nervously and shifted slightly uncomfortably.

"She's with me Grafiya. No harm should come to her." Rias answered with slight edge to her tone, surprising Grafiya slightly. Grafiya nodded before looking to the group and bowing.

"Greetings my name is Grafiya Lucifage, the Queen of Sirzechs Lucifer." She introduced. "Now the reason you all were brought here was to inform you that-" She started before she was interrupted by a flaming magical circle. The flames quickly died down as a blonde man of average height in a burgundy suit came out.

"It's been awhile since I have been in the human world." He said as if he was reminiscing. He then turned to Rias and smiled...happily. Making Rias eyes widen in shock.

'What in the fuck?! The way he smiled at me was not arrogant but pure happiness?! The fuck is he on?!' She thought with a shiver

"Lady Rias. It's good to see you again." He said as he walked towards her and offered his hand to her.

'WHAT IN THE FUCK?!' Thought everyone besides Issei and Asia.

"Um president, who is this man?" Issei asked causing Riser to turn towards him.

"My apologies."

'YOUR APOLOGIES?! SINCE WHEN THE FUCK DID YOU APOLOGIZE?!' Everyone else thought, besides Grafiya, who was watching the scene with interest in her eyes.

"My name is Riser Phenex of the Phenex Clan. And I am to be wedded to Rias." He said as he chuckled nervously and scratched the back of his head.

"...Okay who the fuck are you?" Surprisingly, it was Kiba that asked this.

"I'm sorry?"

"Are you okay?" Koneko asked with confusion.

"I uh... I guess. Is it something I said?"

'Something you said??!!! MOTHER FUCKER YOU'RE NOT EVEN TALKING IN THIRD PERSON!!!' Everybody thought.

"Wait, you're supposed to marry Rias?" Issei asked.

"Yes." Riser simply answered.

"For how long was this set in stone?"

"Since we were like 10 years old." Riser answered again before looking towards Raynare.

"Why is a Fallen Angel here?" Riser asked in confusion.

"I'm apart of Rias's peerage." Raynare answered.

"Huh...interesting." Riser said before taking a seat in front Rias and grabbing the cup of tea that Akeno made out of fucking nowhere.

"This tea is always perfect. You should try making a business and sealing tea Akeno." Rias said with a smile. Akeno was shocked, he was looking at her in the eyes. His eyes didn't wander to her breast and body.

"I uh...I'll try to keep that in mind Lord Riser."

"Please call me Riser." He smiled before sipping some more of the tea and looking towards Rias.

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