Fourth Great Ninja War: Naruto vs Finrith; Finrith's True Power- Part 1

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"Shit just went from 0 to 100 real quick." Naruto muttered as Kurama hummed in response. Finrith growled before raising his head up high and letting out a chilling roar that shook the Earth to its core as it was heard from miles and miles away.

Naruto knew that this battle wouldn't be easy anymore. This was his uncle's true power. The power of a true god. A dragon god.

-Scene Change-

"So he's decided to use his true power?" Goku thought as he fixed his suit before wrapping his black tail around his waist. Vegeta then walked in with a suit while holding a tablet.

"Kakarot. There's something you need to see." Vegeta said as Goku walked up to his long time rival and looked down at the tablet.

"What am I looking at Vegeta?" Goku asked in a serious tone that meant business

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"What am I looking at Vegeta?" Goku asked in a serious tone that meant business.

"The Universe's that you want create for that brat in order to do his trials have been created successfully." Vegeta told him as Goku nodded, causing Vegeta to continue. "And we finally caught the god who was planning to betray us." Vegeta said causing the God of Everything eyes to narrow.

"And how did you deal with him?" Goku asked.

"I told Izanagi to put the brat in a allusion of watching his family die over and over for 10,000 years." Vegeta stated.

"No no no. I said how did you deal with him." Goku asked once more causing Vegeta sigh.

"I locked him in a orb of destruction and threw him inside of a Null Realm." Vegeta shrugged causing Goku's eyebrow to twitch.

"Which Null Realm?"

"We have different Null Realm's?"

"Yes. Now which Null Realm did you put him in?"

"Well I put him in the Null Realm that is in Universe 0 in the Dark Multiverse." Vegeta answered truthfully causing Goku to sigh at his best friend.

"Vegeta. He's dead." Goku stated causing Vegeta eyes to widen in confusion.

"What do you mean he's dead?" Vegeta asked as Goku put his hand on Vegeta's shoulder.

"Vegeta, my friend. There's a reason why I prohibited every god from going to that multiverse. That multiverse alone holds your destructive power and mines as well. We created that Multiverse from our shear power alone." Goku told Vegeta which caused the King of Everything to slightly pale.

"And what was the purpose of that Multiverse that you prohibited all the gods and goddesses from going to there? Matter of fact, why didn't you tell me about this specific Multiverse in the first place?" Vegeta asked.

"First off, chill with all the questions. Ask one at a time. The purpose of that Multiverse was supposed to be a type of prison for any Upper God or Goddess who decided to betray us or commit a unspeakable crime. Second, I did tell you about that multiverse. It seems that you just forgot about it." Goku shrugged as he walked along side his rival.

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