Bell Test

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".... So he threatened me to come early and when I do he comes late?" asked Kakashi with a sweat drop. Kakashi and Sakura have been waiting on Naruto and Satsuki for the past three hours. "Sensei, when will they be here?" asked Sakura who was already pissed and coming so early. "I don't kn-".

Just when Kakashi was about to answer, a flock of crows appeared out of nowhere and started circling around each other. As it started to disappear, two people where standing there. These two people where none other than Naruto and Satsuki.

"Where have you two been?" asked Kakashi.

"Sorry we are late. We both got lost on the path of life." said Naruto with an eye smile. Kakashi sweat dropped.

"That's supposed to be my line." said Kakashi.

"Huh did you say something Kakashi?" asked Naruto with a bored look on his face. Kakashi eye started twitching.

"Never mind let's just get this test over with." said Kakashi as he walked over and put the timer on one of the logs. Kakashi the started to explain the test. As he was explaining the test, he noticed that the two girls were looking at him with a bored expression and Naruto was asleep against the tree.

"Are you three even listening to what I am saying?"



"What's the point of listening if we already know what this test is about?" asked Satsuki with a bored look on her face.

"We already know this is about teamwork. Since when have you ever heard of a three man squad?" asked Sakura.

"Well, you still you have to get the bells." said Kakashi who was impressed that they figured out the meaning of the test.

"Already have them." the girls both said at the same time while holding up the bells.

"B- but how?!" asked Kakashi who was beyond shocked.

"When you looked into Satsuki's eyes she placed a genjutsu you and I went and got the bells off your waist and then she dispelled the genjutsu." said Sakura who was explaining it like it was nothing.

"W-well I guess you pass. Team 7 is now official!" said Kakashi proudly at his new students.

"Well I got to- oh no you don't Kakashi you are standing right here!" said Naruto who was now fully awake.

"I hope you didn't think I forgot about what I said to you yesterday." said Naruto with a sadistic smile on his face. Kakashi paled.

'Shit!! I thought he would forget! I'm so screwed right now!' thought Kakashi who was sweating bullets by now.

"Soo~ Kakashi. The hokage has been telling me you have been getting lazy. He told me that as off right now, you are a simple A-rank ninja. Which is kind of.... I don't know.. kinda crazy because you used to be an S-rank ninja. Mind explaining to how dropped down a rank eh Kashi-nii~?" asked Naruto with sickly sweet smile.

'He used to be an S-rank ninja!' thought the two girls.

"Eh hehe... Umm Naruto w-what are you doing?" asked Kakashi who was trying not to shiver in fear. Key word trying.

"What is it look I'm doing?" asked Naruto as he took his black coat and shirt off. Sakura and Satsuki both blushed at what they saw.

'He has a freaking 8-pack?!' thought Sakura who had a slight nose bleed.

'I know I seen him with out shirt before but I it's like it's my first time seeing him with out shirt on all over again!' thought Satsuki as she was looking at Naruto tattoos.

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