Training and A message

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"N-No! Please! Have Mercy!!"

"Sorry. All out of mercy!"

(A Few Hours Earlier)

'Phew! I really needed that shower after that tough workout. Now the question is what I'm going to do now?' Naruto thought.

We see Naruto walking around the Namikaze/Uzamaki compound lost in thought thinking about what he should he do.

After the preliminary rounds, Naruto would constantly train to keep his mind off of things. They had a month to recover and train to their fullest. Naruto, who just got finished with training, was bored and didn't know what he wanted to do.

'Should I just sit and rest today? Nah I can't sit down for long periods of time. Should I go over to shikamaru's house and play shogi? Nah, he's probably sleep. The fuck I'm supposed to do?!' he thought to himself but he was brought out of his thoughts once he heard a certain voice.

"Daddy? Why are you up so early?" a voice from behind Naruto said. Naruto turned quickly and looked down to see his daughter, who had on a shirt that was too big for her, with her dragon plushy in her hands while she is trying to get the sleep out of her eyes.

Naruto smiled and crouched down to pick his daughter up. He than began to walk the furniture and sat down as he sat his daughter in his lap as she snuggled up in his chest.

"Ophis, it's only 7:30 in the morning."

"That's still too early Tou-san." Ophis replied with a deadpan look causing Naruto to chuckle. Naruto stopped and thought about something which caused him to have an idea. After making up his mind, he nodded to himself and began to talk to his daughter.

"Hey Ophis, go get dressed. I'll have breakfast ready when you are done. Don't forget to brush your teeth." he said.

"Ok Tou-san!" she replied innocently with a cute smile. Naruto smiled a fatherly smile and kissed his daughter on the forehead.

"Ok. Now up you go!" he said as he put Ophis down on the floor. As soon as her foot touched the floor she took off to her room causing Naruto to laugh at her antics.

'That girl. She reminds me so much of how I used to be.' he thought while smiling.


"So where are going today Tou-san?" Ophis asked curiously

"Today we are going to waterfalls to unlock your chakra." Naruto replied back to his daughter.

He and Ophis were walking through the Forest of Death. While Naruto was doing most of the walking, he didn't mind giving his daughter a piggy back ride. Ophis, being the curious girl she is, started asking questions that were on her mind.

"Tou-san, where are Suki-chan and Haku-chan?" she asked while nibbling on a piece of chocolate.

"Well, Satsuki is training with Kakashi for the finals of the chunin exam and Haku has been working at the hospital lately since she wanted to become a medical ninja." he answered while biting a chunk out of his own chocolate bar. He then stopped and looked to see that they had made it to the waterfall.

"We are here Ophis."

(Time skip)

"Now we can unlock your chakra Ophis!" Naruto said with a small grin. He and Ophis had just got done stretching and Ophis didn't like it one bit. Her father was an absolute training demon! The things he did would make Gai go pale. 100 one-handed pushups on two fingers!!! Lucky for Ophis she only had to do 50 pushups. But it was still a lot for a 5 year old girl!

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