Mission to the Wave: Pt 2; Zabuza vs Naruto

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"So how's it being going kid? It's been a while." asked Zabuza

"I've been great as you can see." answered Naruto. "Did you like the birthday gift I sent you?" asked Naruto.

"Did I like it? Kid I love it!" exclaimed Zabuza."And you've gotten taller since the last time I saw you. You're about a tall as me now." stated Zabuza.

"Well it has been five years since I've been with you and Haku. Speaking of Haku, you can tell her to come out now." said Naruto

As soon as Naruto said that, a bluish green came out of nowhere and tackled Naruto.

"Naruto-kun! I'm so glad to see you! Do you know how much I've missed you?!" exclaimed Haku as she was hugging Naruto tightly.

"Haku.... Can't Breathe..." stated Naruto as he was turning blue.

While this was going on, the leaf shinobi and Tazuna were looking confused and shocked and didn't know what to say until Kiba decided to speak up.


Zabuza looked at Kiba as Haku let go of Naruto so he could breathe. As he caught his breath, he began to speak.

"Everybody, Meet Zabuza Momochi, Demon of the Hidden Mist, my surrogate uncle and sensei. And this is his adopted daughter Haku." explained Naruto.

Everybody looked at him at shock. The 'Demon of the Mist' was his sensei, and called him his surrogate uncle!

"Umm... Naruto? How do you know them?" asked Kakashi.

"I had left the village five years ago to travel the world and I met Zabuza and the rest of the Swordsman of the Mist and trained with them. After training with them, the group split up and I went along with Zabuza to travel and that's how we met Haku. After learning everything from Zabuza, I had to come to village. So that's how I know him so well." explained Naruto. "Does that answer your question?" asked Naruto.

The leaf ninja just nodded dumbly. Nobody didn't know what to say. I mean how could you respond to someone after they said they trained with the Seven Swordsman of the Mist.

"Oi! Zabuza!"


"Let's fight. Obviously you are here for the bridge builder, so let's make a deal." stated Naruto looking mischievously.

'What is he doing?' everybody thought.

"Alright let's hear it out." Zabuza said looking at Naruto with a confusing look.

"If I win, you got to help us protect the bridge builder, kill Gato, and become a leaf shinobi." said Naruto

"Mmmm ok. But if I win, You are going to have to show me what you really look like under that mask of yours. And you have to stop that smoking habit." said Zabuza with an evil look in his eyes.

Naruto paled. He was definitely had to win now! Not like he couldn't but Zabuza was high ranking S-Rank ninja, border lining SS-Rank. So this was gonna be tough. Naruto took a deep breath. He dug in his pocket and took what looked like a red hair band. 'Man I really need to cut my hair. I'm starting to look like grandpa. Not that it's not cool, it just needs more style to it.' thought Naruto. He then began to take off his shirt as he was doing this the girls were blushing. Even Kurenai had a blush on her face.

'What the hell?! How the hell he has an freaking 8-pack at such a young age. And are those tattoos?' thought Kurenai. As she was looking, she noticed that Naruto had a huge cross on his back with roses vines on the cross and a crow resting on top of the cross. And on his left side of his hip, was a crow that seemed to be holding a black rose between it's beak. When Naruto turned to look at them, it was like looking at angel fallen from heaven. Kurenai could only mutter one word.

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