Fourth Great Ninja War: Naruto vs Finrith Pt2 & Goku's Decision

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"So you had an ace up your sleeve this whole time? Doesn't matter. You'll be defeated no matter how much power you have." Finrith stated darkly from inside of his Susanoo. Naruto and Kurama growled together.

"Dammit. He said that as if he isn't fazed by our power." Kurama growled out as he held Naruto's Susanoo's katana in his human-like hands. Naruto just glared at the Dragon God and began to release more chakra. Finrith growled before doing the same and charging at Naruto at speeds faster than light. Everything seemed to slow down as Finrith got closer to Naruto. Suddenly Naruto disappeared from Finrith's sight causing the God to gasp in shock.

'What?!' He thought before his Susanoo was hit by a large fist, sending him into a mountain. Finrith grunted in pain before he stood up, glaring murderously at Naruto. Naruto slight gulped.

"Ah we go again." He said in a sarcastic tone as Finrith released so much energy that it destroyed the mountain behind him. He stretched out the Susanoo's hand and an bow made out of pure light appeared in his hand as did an arrow. He shot it at Naruto but the boy grinned and dodged it before attacking Finrith. Finrith smirked, which caused Naruto to raise an eyebrow.

"COMMANDER LOOK BEHIND YOU!!!" A shinobi yelled out loudly as Naruto turned his head slightly and saw the same arrow chasing after him.

"What the hell?!" He yelled as he used his flexibility to turn around and dodged it but Finrith was behind him as he caught the arrow and stabbed it through Naruto's Susanoo and impaling Naruto, who gasped in pain as he felt the light burn him.

"HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT BOY?! THIS LIGHT IS ANY REGULAR LIGHT! THIS LIGHT IS DIVINE!!! SO EVEN IF YOU CAN REGENERATE IT WILL TAKE A WHILE AND IT WILL LEAVE A SCAR!!!!" Finrith yelled maniacally as he twisted the arrow causing Naruto to spit up blood.

"Hold on Naruto!" Kurama yelled as he wrapped his tails around Finrith's Susanoo's neck causing the Dragon God to growl in annoyance.

"You damned fox!" Finrith growled out as he his chakra to grow another pair of arms for his Susanoo as they raised their hands in the air. The sky started to glow brightly with magic seals as Finrith smiled insanely. "Let's see you dodge this! FINRITH'S STARLIT RAMPAGE!" Finrith yelled as large rays of light began rain down on the battlefield.

"EVERYONE TAKE COVER!!!" Gaara yelled as Madara used his Susanoo to cover half of the army division while Gaara used his sand. Finrith just laughed evilly.

"IT'S POINTLESS YOU DISGUSTING MORTALS!!! IT IS FUTILE TO TRY AND DODGE!!! YOU CAN'T DODGE LIGHT YOU IMBECILES!!! NOW FEEL THE WRATH OF A DRAGON GOD!!!" Finrith yelled out darkly as he slammed on of the Susanoo's hands on the ground, causing light to erupt from the ground, causing many shinobi to disintegrate.

Naruto watched in horror as he watch his comrades die in front of him. Finrith looked down at Naruto with dark look and murderous grin.

"How does it feel boy? How does it feel to have all the power in the world and not be able to save your comrades? This is the just the beginning you foolish brat! First I will start with your comrades, then I will gather everyone you love and line them and torture them in front of you! Then I will let you watch me destroy your world and take over this Universe. Then I will finally kill you! How does that sound?!" Finrith yelled in Naruto's face, as Naruto's hair covered his face.

"Lightning Style- Chaotic Storm." Naruto said coldly as black and red lightning struck Finrith and his Susanoo causing him be shock, before he was harshly punched in his gut, sending him flying meters away. He got up and saw that Naruto was out of his Susanoo and KCM.

He was now surrounded by a dark red and black malevolent aura. Black horns started to grow out his head before they curved up almost looking like a hook. His nails were black and sharp like razors. His top and bottom row of canine teeth were sharper than before. And from his back were four black bat like wings that had small crimson horns. Naruto opened his eyes and glared murderously at the Dragon God.

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