Chunin Exams Finals pt.2: Satsuki-vs-Samui

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After the fight, there was 15 minute break in order to fix the inside of the arena. In those 15 minutes, Sakura was congratulated for her win, which she kindly told everybody thank you. Satsuki congratulated her friend but began to focus since her fight was up next. But she couldn't help but wonder one thing that was on everyone's mind.

Where was Naruto?

(With Naruto)

Up in the sky we see Naruto flying through the sky at half speed. While doing this, he was having a serious conversation with Kurama.

"So let me get this straight. If somebody touched your ramen, pocky sticks, and dango, you would torture them?"


"Even your two girlfriends?"

'I believe in all equal rights.'

"Even little Ophis?" Kurama asked hoping to hear a different answer.

'You got to start them off early for messing with shit that's not theirs. But knowing her, she probably hide her own snacks. She's just like father.'

"Ok answer this. If anybody were to break your little girls heart into pieces what would you?" Kurama asked his container.

'Hn. Simple. I would take his heart and rip it into pieces. Literally.' Naruto said with an sadistic smile that made Madara smile from heaven, which caused his wife to hit his head. Kurama nervously laughed and had a tiny drop of sweat falling from his head.

"You are not serious are you Naruto?" Kurama asked.

'I can snatch it out so fast and try not to get blood on my hands. I haven't done it in so long. All I have to do is use my flash step that big brother shini showed me. Hehehehe~ Just thinking about seeing blood and seeing someone in pain gets my body hot!" Naruto said as began to lick his lips in a sadistic and in a female ninja's word's.... hot way.

Seeing this Kurama shivered seeing his little brother go into his Sadistic Mode. If there was thing Kurama learned about Naruto is that he was a very huge fan of S&M. Being a closet pervert and reading his godfather books could change anybody. But Naruto, was a different story. Naruto was already sadistic when he first joined ANBU but when he started to spend more time with the one only Death God.... yeah, you get the picture. But what shocked everyone the most when he joined ANBU was not only was he sadist, but he was a masochist.

You see, in ANBU, you have to go through every type of toture as training. Being stab, bones broken, being poisoned you name it. When Naruto went through it, he felt a whole lot of pleasure while going through the pain. He really begged them to try anything.

To top it off, Naruto did something that would stay in the brains in every ANBU member that was in the room while he was being tortured. He knew he was immortal, but the ANBU didn't.


As Naruto held up his hand, more veins showed through his hand and his finger nails got longer and sharper. His eyes were blood red with dark black slits, and he an insane and sadistic smile on his face as he did something that will never be forgotten.

He plunged his hand in his chest, and grab his heart and took it out. While that was happening he still had that same sadistic and insane smile on his face as blood dripped from his mouth. Once he got his heart. He held it over his mouth and crushed it. Letting the blood fall on his face. While doing this, a new heart was regrowing to replace his old and now crushed heart. He licked the blood off his face with his surprisingly long tongue that touched his chin. He smiled in a blissful way which showed his sharp white canine teeth, giving him an animalistic look. He turned to look at the ANBU and saw they passed out from shock and fear.

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