Three Year Training Trip: Until Next Time My Friends

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Naruto just stared at the hospital ceiling with hate and regret. Hatred because that snake took away Satsuki and regret because he let it happen. He turned to look at the door and see's that Haku come in to check in on him.

"How are you doing my love?" She asks. Naruto just gives her a small smile and sits up. He scars and tattoos were visible. He then began to get out of the bed and walk towards the window.

"I'm alright, I guess." He answered staring at the dark clouds in the sky. Haku walked up behind Naruto and hugged him from behind. The warmth from his body was always comforting to her slightly cold body.

"I will be leaving soon Haku-chan." Naruto said out of the blue which shocked her.

"What do you mean that you will be leaving?!" She asked with shock in her voice. Naruto sighed.

"I will have to leave the village in three years in order to train. There is a group known as Akatsuki after Jinchuriki. They want to capture the Tailed Beasts in order to revive an evil being." Naruto stated.

"Take me with you!"



"Because I said so."

"You'll have to give me a better explanation than that Naruto!" Haku yelled. Naruto walked away from the window and walked towards the bathroom. He entered and turned on the faucet and cupped his hands in order to capture some water in his hands. He began to splash the water on his face and began to do it over and over repeatedly. He turned off the water and gripped the sink with both hands with his head down as water dripped from his face.

Haku burst throughout the door and came into the bathroom with Naruto. She closed the door behind her and stared at Naruto's back.


"I thought I already told you Haku. Because I said so. And that's final." Naruto said sternly which made Haku ball her hands into a tight fist.

"And what if you get caught by this so called Akatsuki group Naruto?! What are going to do then?!"

"Kill them." Naruto said darkly. Haku gritted her teeth so hard that her gums began to bleed.

"Dammit Naruto just listen to yourself?! I know your strong but are you strong but are you strong enough to take on a whole group of people that are labeled as S-Rank ninjas?!" She screamed in anger.

"I know I am. I could kill them right now if wanted to. I already killed Kisame Hoshigaki. I'm just letting them get strong enough so they could be a challenge to me." Naruto said without any emotion.

"Are you that cocky to throw away your life?!" Haku growled out.

"Cocky? No. Confident? Yes. You can use anything to try and kill me, I won't die. One of the perks of being an immortal being." Naruto said sarcastically.

"If you are so confident then take me with you. It shouldn't be a problem for you Naruto!" Haku yelled.



"Do I have to repeat myself again, Haku?" Naruto asked sternly.

"What the hell Naruto?! I don't want to lose you against that group of criminals!! I already lost my father! And I can't lose you either!!!!" She yelled in pure anger.

"THEN WHY THE HELL DO YOU THINK I TOLD YOU THAT YOU COME WITH HAKU?!" Naruto yelled as his chakra was released causing crack in the floor and in the walls. He looked up and his matured Sharingan was activated and he stared into the mirror. His grip on the sink caused it to start cracking due to the pressure of his grip. Haku stared at him shock because he never yelled her or anyone unless he was fed up and pissed off.

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