Preliminary Rounds

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(Yo! So first off I just want to let guys know that I'm sorry for not updating sooner. It's just that school gets in the way and when I get home from school I be so tired. So I'm going to try to update for you guys. You guys motivate me to make this story. So I want to thank you all for reading this and I want to let you know that it means a lot to me! In the comments I've been seeing stuff about Naruto's and Kami's relationship. So let me explain it. When Naruto first met Kami, he was five years old. When he met her, the only thing he saw was a little girl about the same age as him with a lot of power. Kami, being a goddess, took the form of a little girl. Why you may ask? Well would you expect seeing a little girl claiming that she is Kami? Exactly nobody would expect that. Also in this chapter, I'm pushing Sakura and Satsuki to the finals. Why? Well they will have their time to shine in the finals. Plus I've got to come up with some jutsu's for the both of them. In other words, this chapter is basically focused on Naruto's fight. But it's going to be worth it. All the other fights are the same except for Rock Lee's and Gaara's. You probably wondering if the invasion is still going to happen. Yep but it's going to be a twist. That's all I'm going to say for now, let's get to the story!!!! Ja Ne~ 😁!!)

"So in other words, we are having a elimination round because there are too many teams?"

"Correct Naruto-kun."

27 teams. That's all was left. Kabuto team had forfeited but was escorted by ANBU to the interrogating room. A team from the Stone village forfeited due to low stamina. And a team from the Mist village forfeited due to having low stamina as well. Naruto noticed that the referee for this round was his mother's boyfriend, Hayate.

Once he saw him, he nodded to him as a response to saying hello in which he got in return was the same thing, a simple nod. Hayate went on how to explain on how this round will go on and such, but Naruto wasn't paying attention so he zoned out until Hayate was done.

(All the fights are the same so this is who made it to the finals:
Neji - (almost a draw)
Gaara - (almost killed Kiba)
Yugito Nii)

"For the last for the preliminary rounds, can I please get Naruto Uzamaki Namikaze and Rock Lee to come down."

With that everyone looked at Naruto, who has been quiet through out the whole preliminary rounds. Hearing his name, Naruto opened his and looked to his right at Lee. He nodded then disappeared in black rose petals and reappeared standing to the right of Hayate.


"ALRIGHT LEE!!! You have an youthful opponent so you don't have to worry about holding back!!! Give us the best fight ever Lee and give it  your all!!! If you don't I'll make run around the whole Fire Country 5 times!!!!"

"If I don't give it my all I'll run 10 laps around the Fire Country!!!!!"






" *ahem* Rock Lee will please come down so we can start."

"Ah. I'm coming Proctor-san." Lee replied. He then jumped down from where he was and landed perfectly.

"How are you doing Naruto-kun? I hope we enjoy ourselves during this fight!"

"I'm doing well Lee. And I'm pretty sure that we will have the time of our lives. How about this Lee, I won't use no ninjutsu, no genjutsu, nothing. Just strictly Taijutsu. How does that sound?" Naruto asked with a kind smile making Lee eyes widen.

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