Naruto: "Now You Need Me?" (Sneak Peek)

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"Kakashi-Sensi where are we going?" asked a girl with golden blonde hair. Currently Kakashi and Team 7 which consisted of Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruko, were on ship going to an secluded place that only Kakashi knew where they were going. The Jonin and three Chunin were on a mission to retrieve someone from the most dangerous place (prison) in the shinobi world. Kakashi, seeing that now was a good time to tell them what the true mission was began to talk.

"Well Naruko, were are heading to the most dangerous prison known to man and shinobi alike." Kakashi stated seriously. This caught the three Chunin's attention.

"What is this prison called?" The Uchiha asked curiously. Kakashi narrowed his eyes.

"Blood Prison." Kakashi answered coldly. His three students paled. They have heard of the infamous prison. A prison where only shinobi go to when they have committed crimes outrageous and deadly. The prison was known for its brutality and harsh ways.

"Why are we going there Kakashi-Sensei?" the pinkett asked with slight fear.

"Simple. We have orders to go and free the strongest shinobi the leaf has ever had every since the forth Hokage, Madara Uchiha, and Hashirama Senju." Kakashi stated plainly.

"Kakashi I think you need to explain more of what is going on." Naruko stated seriously which was an shock. Kakashi took a deep breath and sighed which he realized that he has been doing a lot lately and began to talk.

"Alright you three listen because this is about to be long story." Kakashi said seriously which caused the three Chunin to huddle up together to listen. "The man that Lady Tsunade decided to release is a dangerous man. An SS-Ranked ninja I'm the bingo books. In Konoha, way before you three were born, he was in the graduating class with Itachi Uchiha and Shisui Uchiha. The three were tied for rookie of the year, which was an first in Konoha history. But this man was faster than Shisui and stronger than Itachi. The three were a genin team and stayed genin until after six months. They entered the Chunin exams and became Chunin at age 7 and became Jonin at age 9. The ANBU Commander saw potential in the three boys and recruited them for ANBU. The three worked there way up to the ranks in the ANBU. The three became the strongest ANBU captains in history. But out of the three, the strongest of them was next in line to become the ANBU Commander. His friends were happy for him. When he became Commander, he made Itachi and Shisui his right hand man. But things started to get out of hand. Once Shisui got his Mangekyo Sharigan, Danzo went and took one of his eyes. Shisui, who was dying from the poison, gave Itachi his other eye, and committed suicide. Seeing his best friend kill himself, Itachi too, gained the Mangekyo. He was the forced to make a tough decision. Let his clan take over Konoha or kill his whole clan. Itachi chose to kill his clan in order to protect the village, but in order for him to do that, he would have to spare his brother and his mother. After committing the Massacre, Itachi fled the leaf and became a rogue ninja. The ANBU Commander found out what really happened to his friends and was furious. He too, awakened his Mangekyo Sharigan. The ANBU Commander went on a rampage and killed Danzo and his Root ANBU and saved his little sister from Danzo and killed the elders for forcing Itachi to kill the Uchiha Clan." Kakashi stopped to see him teams reaction.

The three Chunin were horrified and shook to the core. Sasuke didn't know how to fill. First Kakashi was telling him there was an Uchiha stronger than his brother and faster than his cousin. He was happy there was another Uchiha alive but was terrified of his clansman power. From what heard from Kakashi, this man sounded powerful. Truly powerful. To become and ANBU Commander at the age of 11 was no joke. Sasuke then realized that his sensei didn't tell them his name.

"Oi Sensei?" Sasuke asked to get his teachers attention.

"Hmm? What is it Sasuke?"

"This other Uchiha, what is his name? You never mentioned it to us." Sasuke asked. The other two Chunin realized that their sensei mention his name so the listened closely.

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