Double Date Part 3

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Mina and Chaeyoung head into the theater room and can't believe their eyes.

"guess it did work." They both look at each other and then back at the scene where both Nayeon and Jeongyeon were making out.

"should we interrupt?" Chaeyoung says while looking at the girls in their passionate kiss

"I guess, we just have to get it over with. Mina says and they start heading up the steps back to their seats. 

They get in front of them and Mina coughs lightly.

Both girls break apart and look up where the cough came from.

"Mina i-"Jeongyeon says but doesn't finish as she felt ashamed and looked down.

Chaeyoung walks over to Nayeon and puts her hand out asking for a high five secretly. 

Nayeon reciprocates the high five and hugs Chaeyoung to make it seem like they were fighting or something. 

"Mina I can't believe that just happened I am so sorry." Jeongyeon starts.

"I didn't know you were that close to Nayeon." Mina says with a surprised face. 

"she is my ex and I still love her." Mina nods her head 

"i understand Jeongyeon."

"you do?!" jeongyeon asks surprised. 

"yes okay, if you love her then you have to be with her." 

"what about you Mina?" Jeongyeon asks as she doesn't know about the relationship with her and Chaeyoung. 

"look it did hurt but, It just didn't work out between us. You are obviously meant for Nayeon. I mean we didn't even want to interrupt that kiss." 

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way." They both chuckle but Mina can't lie to Jeongyeon.

"look I have to tell you something. Me and Chaeyoung love each other too."

"Chaeyoung!? this girl? So you are more than friends?" Jeongyeon asks. 

"yea we have been for a long time and then we sort of broke up and I was with you but we kind of realized that we still love each other." 

"wow, yea I should have got that from the lunch the other day when you were so obviously jealous."

"yea and also I think Chaeyoung and Nayeon came together to make us jealous." 

"yea that makes sense too, they are both equally crazy then" Jeongyeon says and they both turn to look at the other girls."

As they are starring at them, Chaeyoung and Nayeon were doing the performance of their life time in the middle of the theater. 

"I can't believe you!" Chaeyoung shouts. 

"Please baby i am sorry" Nayeon holds Chaes hands

"no i can never forgive you! You traitorous woman." Chaeyoung gets her hands back and covers her face as to try not to laugh. 

"I can't help that I love someone else!" 

"how can you say that in front of me!" Chaeyoung says now with fake tears threatening to escape. 

Mina and Jeongyeon were really enjoying this movie even thought they didn't really pay attention to the one they actually came to see. "should we tell them?"

"nah lets see how far they go." Mina shakes her head because this is so funny 

"please just accept it Chaeyoung. you were really fun but i cant be with you. My jeongie is the one I love. 

Chaeyoung then lets out a dramatic scream and sits down. 

The rest of the people in the theater start to throw popcorn and shushing them as the movie still wasn't over. 

Jeongyeon and Mina are still looking at them and they start clapping softly together. 

Chaeyoung and Nayeon look at them confused.

"guys we know that you're not really together please stop before someone notifies whoever gives out the Best acting award. you both will win." Jeongyeon says with a serious face. 

Mina just starts laughing and Nayeon and Chaeyoung roll their eyes and turn around. 

"i think we were pretty believable" Chaeyoung says to her.

"yes we were the best Chae, I would no doubt be your fake girlfriend again if you ever need one again."

"cough cough" Mina lets out "she will not need one ever again actually" 

Chaeyoung looks at Mina lovingly and connects their hands. She smiles dearly as they have never done this before in public. 

They switch seats and finish the last 10 minutes of the movie which they didn't even pay attention to. 


They walk out of the theater, now holding the right persons hands. Smiling. 

"so everyone is happy now?" Nayeon asks. 

"perfect" Michaeng say at the same time. 

"do you guys want to go get some coffee then?" Jeongyeon asks 

"oh we actually have some unfinished business to take care of, sorry guys rein check. Chaeyoung tells them shyly.  

The girls nod and part ways.

They head back to Minas dorm room really happy of course. Not being able to contain it. 

Both walking side by side with Minas arm on Chaes shoulder and Chaes arms on Minas waist. Slowly making its way down to her favorite spot. They get inside the building hallway and Chaeyoung checks to see that there are no people around before pulling Mina into a kiss. 

They can't help to smile through the kiss. each girl making it deeper as time passes before Mina pulls away. 

"didn't have enough baby?" 

"Never, I'll never have enough of you." Chaeyoung says while still trying to catch Minas lips again. 

Mina grabs her hand, "c'mon we're almost there tiger"

They start running to Minas room. But as they Open the door both mouths drop open. 

"What the Fuck?!" Mina shouts. 

"oh my god" they are both shocked from the bedroom scene as all of Minas things were destroyed. The walls were tagged with horrible profound things. 

Most of Minas clothes were ripped with holes everywhere. 

"who the hell wo-" Chaeyoung stops her sentence because there was only one person she could think of that would be capable. 

"you think it was?" Mina lifts her eyebrows and sits on her bed with a disappointed face. 

"i don't know Mina but you can't stay here tonight. come stay in my room for now. okay?" 

Mina nods and gets the remainder of the clothes that was not ripped. 

They head out with the opposite of emotion they were feeling when they were heading to that room tonight. 

As they exited the building that girl was watching with a huge grin, as she achieved what she wanted. Did she really though. I mean they still left together. 

"still" Somi thought "They won't be together on my watch" 


Merry Christmas to anyone who reads my little messages. hope you had a good one. if you want to tell me about it cool, I'll tell you about my boring ass Christmas. lolol

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