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(Omfg if you guys keep commenting like that I'll write faster. They all make me laugh😘 )

Chaeyoung smiled at her and then turned back to pay attention to class. 

Class has finally finished and Somi came up to Chaeyoung just as she expected. 

"hey Chaeyoung!" Somi startles Chaeyoung while saying that so loudly.

Chaeyoung jumps a little at the sound.

"Oh hey there Somi? that's your name right Somi?"

"Yes! so cool of you to remember." 

"Of course how could I forget." Chaeyoung says and gives Somi her million dollar dimple smile. 

Somi automatically starts blushing, 

Chaeyoung is way too good at flirting. or maybe its just that easy to her. 

"Thanks, I really like your new haircut by the way. you look so cute" Somi says but got a little shy after saying cute. 

"Thanks, yea I just needed a change. Went this morning actually. Took so long but was worth it I think since you like it." 

Somi turns red. "You are so cute when you're blushing." Chaeyoung tells her. 

"Oh my god stopppp" Somi pushes Chaeyoung arm slightly. 

"You want to have lunch together?"

Somi's eyes spring open. "yes!"

Startling Chaeyoung a bit. "okay great then. shall we?" Chaeyoung says and gesturing for Somi to go ahead of her. 

Somi is left star struck and falling so hard. who knew it was that easy to fall for Chaeyoung. 

But how far was Chaeyoung willing to go in order to make Mina jealous. If in fact this little plan of Chaeyoung was gonna work. 

Also what was Chaeyoung expecting to gain from this? 

Does she think Mina will run up to her proclaiming her love? 

Was Chaeyoung being delusional? 

Was Chaeyoung being dumb? 

Well Chaeyoung really didn't really think this through. All she wanted was for Mina to realize that Chaeyoung was the girl for her and not that Jeong whatever Ostrich. 



After Chaeyoung left Mina that day in her class she gave a real eye opener. 

Mina of course knew that Chaeyoung was her girl but didn't know Chaeyoung wanted it as much as she did. 

After "the talk" Mina kept thinking about what Chaeyoung said 

"just don't come to me when your new girlfriend can't find that sweet spot that I know very well okay baby?"

'Who does she think she is?' I do not need her for that. She thinks she is just so good huh?' Mina thought. 'well she was actually really good. it's been two weeks without Chaeyoungs body and I'm already craving her.'

Mina and Jeongyeon have been moving pretty slow which Mina was okay with because not everyone can be a Son freaking Chaeyoung.

She had to move on then.

She had a girlfriend now who she made a commitment too. Even though Chaeyoung .

Chaeyoung actually wanted to be with her now. This is what she wanted from the beginning. Mina was all over her head in thoughts like this. She didn't know what to do. 'maybe I should be with Chaeyoung. This is what we both wanted. I mean I didn't tell her I was interested in anyone else like we agreed.' It just all happened so fast for Mina. 

'should i break up with Jeongyeon? She is such a great person though. how can I just leave someone who has done nothing but treat me so beautifully and was so decisive and grown up.'

Seriously Mina was all over the place in her head with the same old things. so indecisive. 

Mina went back to her dorm to think it through more. She went in her room and it still smelled like coffee. She realized she didn't clean up any of the mess from yesterday. 

She went to pick up the coffee cup but before throwing it away she saw what was written on it. 


Mina found herself automatically smiling from this. Remembering the small bean. That stupid cub that makes her crazy.  

"I want to be with Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung and only Chaeyoung." Mina admits loudly. 

Determined. She called Chaeyoung that night a couple of times but no answer. 

"Fine. tomorrow I'll find her and confess to her like she did with me." Mina still thinking out loud. 

'But what about Jeongyeon? SHIT! Okay, I'll just let her down slowly. I mean its been a week. I just need to be with My Chae.'

Mina finally knows what she wants. Decided. she fell asleep. Excited she awoke, dressed for the day went to her first class with only Chae in her head. 

Finally lunch. she had to find Jeongyeon first to get it over with. 

She headed to the food court looking for her.

"Mina!!" Jeongyeon back hugs her.  " i missed you !" 

Mina just smiled because she felt bad for what she was about to say to her. 

Mina hugs Jeongyeon but while she was hugging her she notices two girls walking in arm in arm and she recognizes one of them. She furrows her eyebrows and realizes its her girl. She releases from Jeongyeon and turns around to look at the two girls again. 

"What the fak?" Mina says quietly but enough for Jeongyeon to hear. 

"Whats wrong?" Jeongyeon looks at where minas eyes were and realizes its the same girl from the other day.

"Oh isn't that the same girl you friends from the other day? ooo She's got a cute girlfriend."

"what that is not her girlfriend. Chaeyoung doesn't have a girlfriend." mina says obviously annoyed. 

While still looking at Chaeyoung and that girl. Their eyes finally meet. Chaeyoung smirks and Mina is left with her mouth wide open...


I keep getting distracted by watching "Cry For Me" The new song is 🔥

What do you guys think of it? 😘

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