The End

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Mina and Chaeyoung on graduation day..

"Finally finally, we did it Mina!!" Chaeyoung shouted amongst all the other screaming student.

"Im so happy, I finally get to marry you, Lets have a good life okay?" Mina said bringing Chaeyoung in for a hug. 

"Forever Minari" She shouted again bringing Mina in for a kiss and throwing their caps in the air like everyone else. 

Chaeyoung and Mina have been working extra hard these past few months in internships for their future and still trying to earn enough money for their apartment and wedding. 

They finally got there tho, It has been so hard but they made it. It been a sort of blur for both with the occasional special moments they shared with each other through a lot of effort. 

Mina was always so thankful and recognized how lucky she was to have such a hard working and and amazing partner who always thought about her in every step of the way. 

She cant believe that they used to just be friends with benefits who were scared of commitment. that was so high school. They were full on adults now and were sure that they wanted to do this crazy thing called life together. 

They had many argument along the way about not seeing each other everyday or girls flirting with Chaeyoung. 

Chaeyoung always had to reassure Mina but it was hard for Mina because Chaeyoung was the hottest girl in any room she walked in. 


~Mina coming home from the bar later than usual. ~

she opens the door trying to be as quiet as possible walking on her tippy toes but Chaeyoung is already waiting for her. 

"do you know what time it is?" Chaeyoung says quietly turning on the small lamp they had next to the bed. 

Mina heard this and jumped up, she held her hand over her heart from the scare. "ahh baby you scared me, I didn't want to wake you. yea we stayed a bit later talking and hanging out." 

Chaeyoung scoffed. "Its 3am. you know I haven't seen you at all this week. If i hadn't stayed up tonight I would have missed you again till who knows when. And you are hanging out... yea I wish I could hang out with you too." 

Mina walked over to Chaeyoung and tried to grab her hand but Chaeyoung pushed it away. 


Chaeyoung turned around to face the wall. She was upset that she hasn't seen her fiancés face for so long. This was probably what they fought about the most but it was getting harder and harder everyday. 

When they first started their hectic schedules they would really make an effort like when Chaeyoung went to the bar to meet mina every once in a while. But it has just gotten too much for them.

Mina pulled Chaeyoungs shoulder but Chaeyoung was too upset and tired. 

Their usual schedule was going to school if they had school that day, if not go to their internship or work immediately for the rest of the day. having dinner wherever they were. 

"is there someone else?" Chaeyoung spat quickly.

"HEY!" Mina raised her voice at Chaeyoung. Making her turn around. 

"we are both busy and both have been out of it for weeks. Its not just me. There would never be anyone else. You think I don't miss you?" Mina said more serious. 

"maybe there's someone else you'd like to spend your precious time with since you could spare some more hours to hang out after work. plus you smell like alcohol." 

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