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*A conversation between Chaeyoung and her mom.*

"Mom I need to tell you something... I'm Gay."

"So what do you want for dinner?" 

"Mom I just told you I'm gay, you should be surprised or something. "

"Honey, I've known you were gay for many many many years already."

"No you didn't, mom I kept it a secret. " 

"Oh and I bet its also a secret that you're in love with Mina." 

"WHAT?! Mom I am not in love with Mina, she is just a friend." 

"yea and you are not gay." Her mom says sassily. 

"whatever" Chaeyoung finishes and storms off to her room. She texts Mina. 

-Just told my mom I'm gay-

-how'd she react?!-

-claimed she already knew. Am I that obvious?-

-I mean with me yes ;)-

-Funny. But seriously if you didn't know me would you know that I'm gay?-

-Probably not, but you do have all the girls drooling over you any ways.-

-hahaha you know you're the only one I want- 

Mina blushes. 

-Really? I think I saw you flirting with another girl yesterday at lunch.-

-I don't think so baby, I really don't want or ever thought about anyone else like that since you came into my life.- 

Their conversations always went like this but never amounted to anything bigger. Why? who knows. The just always had a silent agreement that they were both just with each other secretly. 

-Maybe I should sleep over tonight so you could prove your point. Does your mom have the night shift?-

-Yes, please come over as fast as you can. I have an emergency-

-Ill tell my mom. On my way-

At this point they have proven to each of their moms that they are the best of friends and trust each others families. 

Mina gets to Chaeyoungs house in a rush. she also told her mom that Chaeyoung had some sort of problem that way her mom didn't question sleeping over on a school night. 

Chaeyoung opens the door with a worried face. 

"What's wrong Chae!? you had me worried, I rushed to get here. Are you okay?"

"No Mina I'm not okay."

"Well tell me what's wrong" Mina starts feeling Chaeyoungs cheeks and forehead to check if the smaller girl has a fever.

"I missed you" Chaeyoung says with her dimple out as Minas hand is still on Chaeyoungs cheek.

Mina smirks and wraps her hands around Chaeyoungs neck as she pushes her to the nearest wall. Chaeyoung lets out a small moan when her back hits the wall. 

"I was actually worried you dumbass." Mina says with a smirk. 

"I think that counts as a serious emergency though" Chaeyoung gives her those puppy eyes followed by a pout.

"That face is not gonna save you from what I'm gonna do to you." 

"I was kind of hoping you'd say that. We've been getting soft." 

"You know you prefer soft anyways" Mina says as she kisses Chaeyoung aggressively. 

Both girls now moaning lightly through their kisses. "soft but not kind" Chaeyoung says.

"lets go" Mina says as she drags Chaeyoung up the stair to her room. 

"Get on the bed little bitch" 

Chaeyoung does as she is told. 

"I won't tie you up but no touching. Now strip." Mina ordered. 

Chaeyoung did as told and was already turned on. She lay on the bed naked already wet. 

Mina striped slowly while Chaeyoung was still watching her. Needing her this instant. 

Mina was in her bra and underwear. Minas nipples were so hard and Chaeyoung could see them through her thin bra. 

"fuck" Chaeyoung says just looking since she couldn't touch. 

"what did you just say? you little bitch, you think you can talk to me like that?" Mina says as she gets on top of Chaeyoung. just looking at her in the eyes. 

"Please," Chaeyoung begs. "I need you" as she is dripping wet so ready for Mina. 

Mina smirks as this is how she wanted Chaeyoung. 

Mina put her thigh up against Chaeyoungs center and Chaeyoung starts to rub her core against it furiously. starting to moan loudly. 

Chaeyoung is now gripping the bed sheets for her dear life.

Mina brings her magic fingers down to Chaeyoungs center and starts to rub her clit slowly as Chaeyoung is still grinding against Mina. 

"You like that right you little bitch. I want you to beg for my tongue" 

"Fuckkk Mina, I am so close. I need that tongue" Chaeyoung exclaims making Mina even more excited and wetter than she already was. 

Mina doesn't waist a second and brings her mouth to Chaeyoungs clit. 

Chaeyoung throws her head back and her eyes roll back, grinding against Minas tongue, starting to moan almost scream Minas name out and finally coming all over her mouth. 

Mina sticks two finger in herself and brings them to Chaeyoungs mouth making her suck and taste her. Chaeyoung Moans as she knows very well this was Mina telling her that she needed her too. 

Chaeyoung didn't waste any time and brought her own three fingers inside Mina while sucking on her nipples which Chaeyoung knew was Minas weakness.

While Mina was now moaning uncontrollably "Come on baby, come for me" Chaeyoung knew she was in control now. 

Minas body beginning to shake furiously in her orgasm. Falling forward onto Chaeyoungs chest.

Both panting, both smiling. looking at each other, kissing each other one last time before falling into a deep sleep.... 


Ya'll good? 

I hope this made up for the other chapter. 

I am prepared for you guys to be mad at me again for some future chapters though. hehehe

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