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Mina and Chaeyoung woke up snuggling per usual. It's been a week and the troubles already started. 

After they reported Somi to the police and the school board, Somi denied everything

Before she went to destroy Minas room she took out the security cameras from the outside of the buildings.

They had nothing to prove it was her so they had to give up and watch their backs. In the mean time Somi kept messing with them.

The first day Mina and Chaeyoung came out the world as a couple, everyone was so happy for them and everyone kept saying how they already knew they had a thing.

"yea guys I think everyone knew but you two! why did it take you so long. hahaha" Sana said "now are you sure you don't want to make this a 3 way?" She finishes seductively rubbing a finger up Chaeyoungs back

"NOO" Michaeng said together while Mina pulls Chae towards her.

They all laughed.

"we are just so happy now and wanted to tell everyone." Chaeyoung says as they are within a group of their friends.

"wait Chaeyoung I also heard that you were with that Somi girl" Says Momo (okay i guess i decided to throw everyone in but since they're not part of the story so I wont make it a big deal)

Mina and Chaeyoung look at each other. "no I think WE are together." Mina says as she holds Chaeyoungs and hers intertwined hands.

"we see that but i think we were all sent this earlier today" Jihyo says while showing them a picture of Somi and Chaeyoung kissing.

'probably from when Somi kissed me suddenly' she thinks back and rolls her eyes.

Chaeyoung faces Mina and Mina grabs Jihyos phone tightly and looks at the picture.

'damn Jihyo, you could of talked to me on the side' thought Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung grabs Minas arm "Wait Mina that was in class one day when Somi confessed to me. she kissed me all of a sudden."

Mina said nothing and returned the phone back to Jihyo. She continued with her other conversations and that scared Chaeyoung even more.

Chaeyoung stared at Mina with worry but didn't bring it up again, She knew it was gonna be a problem.

They went off to their regular day and Mina hardly said bye to Chaeyoung. 

Chaeyoung went into her class and spotted somi, she decided to confront her. 

"We have really had enough of your shit you know that?! What the fuck is wrong with you?" Chaeyoung half yelled not caring anymore. 

"baby its so good to see you again." Somi says rubbing Chaeyoungs arm. 

"baby? you really are going crazy aren't you?" Chae says removing Somi. 

"Im just saying it like it is. you're mine." 

"i will never be yours. get that in your head and it wasn't smart of you to get that picture of us kissing. You're gonna have to try way harder than that." Chaeyoung says sternly making Somi's grin disappear. 

Chaeyoung walks away to her seat ignoring all of the stares.

Meanwhile Somi was still thinking of more ways to get Chaeyoung to herself. 


The day was done and Chaeyoung headed to her room. She texted Mina but didn't get a response back which made her worried. 

She went in and there was no one in the room but there was no one there. Chaeyoung got sad. She missed Mina and hoped Mina and her were alright. 

She decided to hop in the shower. 

She put her favorite twice playlist and was so distracted. She didn't notice anyone came in. 

She felt hands run up and down her back. She started smiling automatically while chills ran up her spine. 

She felt soft kisses on her neck. Her usual seductive kisses. 

"Mina" Chaeyoung says with her eyes closed. 

"mmhh you missed me?" 

Chaeyoung turned around and opened her eyes to see her girl. She smiled again. that dimple smile that Mina loved. 

They kissed passionately until they ran out of breath. 

"I though you were mad at me." 

"I was mad at that picture but i knew it wasn't real. I just needed some time to cool off." Mina explained while she made Chaeyoung turn around.

"I talked to her today. I told her to back the fuck off and that you would never fall for her tricks." 

Mina made Chaeyoung lift her leg onto the shower corner and continued to kiss her neck while leaving hickies. 

"mmhmm" Mina says telling Chaeyoung to continue. 

Chaeyoung started stammering in her words "I- I just told her sh-  uh she would have t- to try harderrrr" Chaeyoung couldn't even finish when Mina was already inside of her. going in and out of her while connecting her lips onto Chaeyoungs small nipples. 

"Fcuk" Chaeyoung was really at a loss of words as she didn't expect this surprise from Mina 

Continuing until her girl exploded onto her fingers. She was satisfied. "holy shit Mina!" Chaeyoung tried saying through her panting. 

Mina smiled and kissed her girl again. "You know she's gonna try again right?" Mina says. 

"I dont want to think of that tonight. only this." Chaeyoung says while grabbing Mina ass like she always has. 


Soooo.  I did get positive and its been really hard to type and focus on my laptop. I get so dizzy and the worst headaches. sorry guys. 

I have been feeling better today and this week. thanks for anyone who wrote a message. 

Still trying to end this story somehow. lol 

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