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'Another beautiful day.'  Chaeyoung thought as she opened her eyes. 

'I didn't think I would ever be this excited to get to school' thinking to herself while having a massive smile on her face. While still daydreaming and laying in bed. 

Replaying the moments that she had with Mina yesterday. From the way her lips felt against mine, to the way her tongue tasted. The way she smiled every time i would squeeze her ass. She really does have the best smile now that I'm thinking about it. and every time she would kiss me right down my...

"SON CHAEYOUNG I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU MAKE ME LATE I'LL KILL YOU!" Her mom shouts from downstairs. 

"Dammit mom why are you always interrupting me during my mina thoughts!" she says quietly

"5 minutes!" Chaeyoung shouts as she didn't realize she has been laying there in her dirty thoughts and its almost time to go. 

She gets up quickly gets dressed, brushes her teeth and tries to make her hair look decent. 

Cheayoung looks at her self in the mirror before leaving... 

'this'll do' she thought and she hurried downstairs. not even having time to eat anything just an apple on the way out.  (but seriously Chaeyoung looks a okay in anything. Anytime and Anywhere.) 

While in the car 

"Hey mom, you know you don't have to rush to pick me up after work. You could stay longer if you need. I don't mind staying longer with Mina. She's really cool and I like hanging out with her." Chaeyoung says starring at her mom, anticipating her response. 

Chaeyoungs mom thinks for a moment, "hmm. I guess it would do me good to stay for another hour. lets make some more money Son." They both laugh. Momma Son and Chaeyoungs relationship has always been chill like this. 

"Sure hun and thank you for thinking of me. I appreciate it. I'll let you know what time I'll be picking you up then okay?" Her mom finishes and Chaeyoung nods turns back to look straight ahead with a big smirk on her face. 

She decided not to ask her mom about the sleep over until next time since it has barely been a couple of days so she will wait another week and then ask. 

She finally gets to school and barely gets there on time jogging to her first class. 

She still didn't really have any friends. Just acquaintances and people she said hi to when she got to class. None that she really clicked with like she did with Mina though. 

It was getting kind of boring in her first class until the teacher announced that they could have a 15 minute break. 

Chaeyoung decided to step out of the class for the bathroom, When she was walking back she noticed someone familiar. 

Or should I say someones familiar behind... ;)


Mina was still to far for Chaeyoung to call out to her so she decided to text her and see what mina does.

-You are looking so sexy today- 

That really took so much courage for Chaeyoung to send, but she did it. Chaeyoung is still looking at mina waiting for her to see her message from across the hall.

She sees Mina look down and pull out her phone from her sweater pocket, look at it smirk a little and put it back in her pocket before anyone noticed. 

Chaeyoung was satisfied by the small smirk that she got from Mina , even though Mina didn't text her back after. 

Chaeyoung went back into her class with a smile on her face just thinking about the different things she would do to mina later...


Another 2 classes went by and it was lunch time. For the past 3 days Chaeyoung just went to the library and listened to music since she didn't have any friends. But today she decided that she might try to look for Mina since the are kind of friends right? 

She goes out to where everyone is heading, near all the benches in the cafeteria. 

As she is roaming the room she spots her. 'There she is. how can anyone miss her, she is stunning.'

She starts walking towards her but minas still hasn't noticed yet. Mina is with two other girls that are also pretty.

She finally gets to her. "Hey Mina!" Chaeyoung says loudly with a smile that they all turned around. 

They all just stare at her. no words just staring. even Mina. 

'Why is she just looking at me? Can't she say hi back or go away or something?' honestly anything would be better that these awkward stares' Chaeyoung thought. They all just turn around and chuckle to themselves like she was some joke. 

'What in the actual fuck.' 

Chaeyoung has never been the uncool kid in the school that people laugh at. It was always the opposite and yea I guess it was a little lame to go up to someone and just say hi but she knows Mina and Mina should have introduced her to her friends at least. I mean was gonna seem uncool to be friends with the new girl? Chaeyoung didn't think mina would be like this. 

"Ookay bye" Chaeyoung does a 180 degree spin and walks the other direction with a pout. 

What was that? seriously?

 'Dammit Mina you disappoint'. Chaeyoung thought at she walks away. "I am no ones joke" she whispered to herself as she walks back to the library. although she didn't want to admit it but it did hurt a little. 

Now Chaeyoung is annoyed. 

Will their plans be ruined for later then? 


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