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They get into Minas room and Mina closes the door and locks it. Chaeyoung turns around. 

"Wont your mom get mad or come knocking?" Chaeyoung asks nervously.

"Nah i told her we were hanging out, she wants to be a cool mom so she will not interrupt." Mina says quickly as she is walking toward Chaeyoung. 

As minas is stepping toward Chaeyoung, Chaeyoung starts to get nervous and starts stepping backwards not realizing Minas bed is behind her. Mina walks closer and they fall on the bed. 

Mina is now on top of Chaeyoung. they are both staring at each others lips. Their soft sexy lucious lips. Not even a second later, without a moment to waste. Their lips crash against each other. They both gasp as they have never felt something so good. 

As they are fighting for dominance Chaeyoung slips her tongue inside Minas mouth. not stopping for even a second to breath. That is how much they were hot for each other and their lips and their bodies,  they are both smiling while in this hardcore make out sess. 

Finally taking a moment to breath, they remove their lips from one another and stare at each others eyes. The look of longing. the look of desire takes over. 

Their lips connect again. Their tongues intertwining. Playing together. 

As they are both enjoying the taste of one anthers lips. Their hands finally start to roam around their slim bodies. 

"You are so hot" Chaeyoung breathes out and she disconnects from Mina, Mina smirks and starts to kiss Chaeyoung neck slowing and harshly if even possible. They are both breathing heavily at this point but none want to stop. its like they have been craving each other from the moment they first saw one another again.  

Chaeyoung starts moaning and Mina is roaming her hands on Chaeyoung boobs. Chaeyoungs delicate orbs are so easily pleased and Chaeyoung just cant help but moan Minas name which Mina just cant get enough of, so she keeps at this little game. 

"Your body is amazing baby" Mina says as she is unbuttoning  Cheayoungs button down to see her breasts.. Chaeyougs just keeps moaning. 

"Fuck, you make me feel so good Mina. kiss me" 

Mina makes her way back up to Chaeyoung lips as she knows she wont have that much time left because she and Chaeyoung both know Chaes mom would be there any minute. 

"Yea i know i know" mina says lightly 

Chaeyoung nods but continues to kiss mina seductevly. 

They both stop and stare at each other.  it was just nice. looking into their eyes full of lust but knowing they have to stop. 

"I could do this for hours you know that." Mina says smiling at Chaeyoung. 

Chaeyoung stares lovingly smiling because mina is still on top of her. 

"We should figure this out. your lips taste amazing but i bet the rest of you is gonna be my favorite entrée." Mina says and Chaeyoung really can't control the blush on her cheeks. not being able to turn her face as mina is staring at her while saying that boldly. 

"Yes, I will talk to my mom about staying longer or something." Chaeyoung says while rubbing Minas ass and looking at her sexily. 

"Orrrr" mina says suspiciously with her eyebrows raised. 

"You have something else in mind?" she asks waiting for minas answer. 

"We could ask our parents if you could sleep over?" Mina says quietly and shyly because she doesn't know if Chaeyoung would be okay with that yet. 

Chaeyoung is shocked but thinks this might work.  because she definitely wants to take things to the next level with this sexy penguin. 

"Good idea, I'll bring it up to my mom and see what she says." Chaeyoung says still rubbing minas ass and smiling. 



They both heard but didn't move yet. Just staring at each other. 

Chaeyoung kissed mina again. longingly like if she wasn't going to see her for a while, which she knows isn't true. 

Mina got off once they heard minas mom shout saying Chaeyoungs mom was here. 

"Okay i guess ill see you tomorrow? 

"I'll see you tomorrow." 

It was a weird feeling for the both of them but still lustful, as Chaeyoung is walking out. Now Mina is the one to smack Chaeyoungs ass .  Chayoung just turns around and smirks. 

-Did i just fall in love?-  Chaeyoung laughed while having this crazy thought. 


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