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School was finally over and Chaeyoung was still deciding on giving mina the silent treatment or act like nothing happened. 

While walking to the front like always she put her headphones in and just waited for Mina, Its been about ten minutes and nothing, at this point she is just irritated.

What did Mina want? just her body? Does she just want to make herself feel good and not talk to me after? Chaeyoung kept having these thought in her head. but also the 'don't overthink and stop being a baby thoughts.' She just didn't know what to think. 

As she was in her thoughts just standing waiting. Someone taps her shoulder. She turns around and its Mina. 

'Dammit why does she have to be so beautiful. No no I am still mad from before.' Chaeyoung shakes that thought. 

She still had her headphones in but notices mina say hi like any other time.

Chaeyoung just lifts her eyebrows up as a gesture hello and starts walking. 

Mina is standing there dumbfounded. 

I mean what did she really expect? That Chaeyoung would be kissing her ass and begging her to like her? 

Well let me tell you she is trying to play the wrong girl. 

Mina starts walking a little faster to catch up to Chaeyoung but Chaeyoung is clearly ignoring her.

Mina doesn't know what to do at this point. she is staring straight ahead replaying the moment that happened at lunch because of course she knows why Chaeyoung is ignoring her right now. 

She didn't know how to explain to Chaeyoung that she wasn't usually like this. It's just that her friends would have made fun of her and treated her like shit if she would have interacted with the new girl. 

'I know it is so cliché to try and be a cool girl at school but she had a reputation and right now she couldn't really be seen with Chaeyoung. She wasn't high enough yet.' Mina thought. 

She felt bad that she made Chaeyoung feel like how she imagined. How was she going to explain this to Chaeyoung. Her sweet not so innocent, irresistible girl. 

She knew she had to make it up to Chaeyoung somehow. 

While they're walking Mina starts to come up with ideas to make Chaeyoung happy again or at least make the situation a little better. 

Mina finally catches up to Chaeyoung when they are getting to her house. She opens the door and lets Chaeyoung inside first. 

Chae goes straight for the couch still with her headphones on just sitting staring off no where.  Mina just looks at Chaeyoung for second before heading to the kitchen to get a snack like always. she opens the pantry door and gets an idea once she sees one of her favorite snacks. 


'Perfect!' Mina thought. 'lets just try something' Mina was already planning something mischievous. 

She turned on the T.V. and sat next to Chaeyoung who has a poker face on and didn't seem to notice Mina sitting beside her. or so she thought. 

Chaeyoung has been watching Mina since they got to the house. Even though she is very hurt from the earlier incident. dammit she is weak. but she decided she will hold off and keep her ground. 

Mina opens her pocky box and takes one out. its the strawberry flavor. Chaeyoungs absolute favorite flavor. 'How the hell did Mina know?' Chaeyoung thought as she unconsciously looked over at mina with the stick in her mouth. but looks away fast. 


Mina catches Chaeyoung looking at it and decided to make her move and get closer to her. 

as she is getting closer, Chaeyoung is getting so nervous. 'Resist you dumbass. Resist.' 

Mina turns her head toward the smaller girl and starts bringing the stick closer 

"Want some Chaeyoungie?" mina says sexily if even possible though the stick between her teeth. 

Chaeyoung is now starring at minas lips. oh those lips that are so irresistible to her. just remembering her lips against hers is gonna make is enough to give in. She wanted this so bad and so much more. 

Chaeyoung starts leaning in, but then suddenly remembers what happens at lunch sand how Mina made her feel and turns her head away. Mina turns her head the other direction acting like she is hurt. 

Now Chaeyoung is livid and notices Minas change of expression. 

"Oh I'm sorry have I offended you? That was surely not my intention to make you feel this way, since you are such a nice and sweet person who has feelings and a mind and can easily get hurt. really I'm sorry please forgive." Chaeyoung says as she storms off to the bathroom. 

Mina is speechless. She knew the girl was offended but didn't know she was pissed. Now mina was rethinking all her life choices. 

Dammit I guess I really screwed up. Mina thought as she got up to go apologize to Chaeyoung as she knew she owed her that much. 


I can't believe that last scene at lunch actually fucking happened to me. it was so embarrassing. It was a long time ago so now me and this person laugh about it but just remembering is so ugh. what a little bitch they were. anyways enjoy this story. there will be a couple more chapters I think. 

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