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Its been a 2 weeks since that small discussion between Mina and Chaeyoung but like I said. Something changed. 

Chaeyoung had been calling and texting Mina but there was no answer. Every time she looked for her and found her, Mina would avoid her. 

Chaeyoung missed Mina so much. Not just the sex but everything about her. The way she laughed at her dumb jokes. The way she walked, I mean waddles. The way she would look at her when Chaeyoung was telling her something. The way Mina said her name or give her new nicknames it would make her fall even harder. She always listened to her so well. to anything Chaeyoung needed. Mina was always there for Chaeyoung. 

When everyone thought she wasn't going to graduate, Mina was there everyday making sure she completed every subject and studied hard. When those bitchy girls tried to make Mina stop talking to Chaeyoung because she was the new girl but Mina stood up to them and defended Chaeyoung making sure they leaved her alone for good. 

As Chaeyoung was thinking about all of these moment Mina has proven that she is the only one she wants next to her, she made this realization and decided. No more fooling around. 

No more games. She wanted Mina everyday for herself and not just in the bedroom. Outside holding hands, eating out. Telling the whole world that they are together. That they were in love. 

She decided she was going to go up to Mina and confess her love. 'How should I do this? Okay Mina likes roses so I'll get her roses . Oh and those purple flowers she loves.'

Chaeyoung also decided to get Mina her favorite coffee. A Minaricano as Chaeyoung named it, which always made made her laugh. She even wrote Minaricano on the cup. She was sure Mina would love it. 

After getting all the things ready while also making sure to look hot. She wore an outfit she knew Mina thought was hot too. did her hair and everything. It was time. Time to say everything she needed Mina to hear. She didn't care if Mina kept ignoring her. They wasted too much time fooling around. 


She gets to Minas dorm building. She decided to surprise her there that way Mina would not be able to run away like before. Already sweating. She hasn't seen Mina in 2 weeks. That's the longest they've ever spent away from seeing each other. 

She knew Mina would be in her room. It was only 9:30am on a Friday and she doesn't have class until 11am. 

Minas door was open so she decided to walk in. 

There she was.

Standing there. Her back facing the other way. So beautiful. 'Even from behind' Chaeyoung thought. She decided to surprise her. She looked like she was getting ready to leave her room

 She closed the door for privacy and back hugged her with one hand as she was holding the coffee and flowers in the other. 

"You're here!" Mina says excitedly as she turns around, only to see that it was Chaeyoung. 

Minas face changed completely and frowned. 

Chaeyoung didn't notice at first as she was just too excited to see Mina. 

"Yes Hi! I missed you Mina, I brought you your favorite things look." Chaeyoung says with the cutest smile on her face. (you know the one) 

"Cheayoung what are you doing here?" Mina says a little disappointed.  Chaeyoung is still of course blind at Minas reaction. She had one job today. To tell Mina how she felt. 

"Mina the past 3 years you have made me so happy, and not just because of the sex Mina. I love you. I've loved you since the first day we met. From the moment I saw you standing there by the school entrance. I love everything about you Mina. These past 2 weeks have been awful without you. I'm sorry it took me so long to realize that I wanted you I'm sorry I didn't realize all the things you've done for me. I've wanted all of you always. I was just scared you didn't feel the same way, but now we can be together Mina, lets be together" Chaeyoung confessed while holding the flowers and coffee up for Mina to grab. 

Mina was speechless. She knew she felt the same way. This is exactly what she wanted of Chaeyoung 2 weeks ago. This is what she has wanted since they were in high school too. 

Mina just looks at Chaeyoung with a sigh. Of course she wanted to say HELL YES, but it was in fact a little too late. 

Chaeyoung while still staring at Mina with hopeful eyes, starting to worry because of the way Mina is now staring at her. A look of disappointment. This is exactly what she was afraid of. Chaeyoung takes a gulp.  

"Chaeyoung look I think we should think this through." is all Mina says. 

Chaeyoungs face turns red uncontrollably as she has never felt this way. She was so embarrassed. This wasn't what she was expecting. She just looked down. 

She replayed this moment in her head a thousand times and it tuned out fine. But what she didn't replay in her head was the chance Mina might have said no. 

Chaeyoung steps back away from Mina while still holding the coffee and flowers in her hands when all of a sudden...



If you're reading this Go stream!! Twice "I can't stop me" English version. Try not to watch the lyric video and only this one!

And also this one! They preformed so amazingly on the Stephen Colbert show!

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