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Mina and Chaeyoung race to the restaurant where their friends were already waiting for them. As they're  running they turn to quickly face each other and start laughing.  "this is your fault" Mina says while running. 

Chaeyoung laughs out loud. "You're the one who took so long to come" She finishes saying that and runs a little faster anticipating a smack by Mina. 

"Get back here!!" Mina shouts while smiling and stares daggers at her childish girl. 

They get to the restaurant and all the girls are seated already looking at both of them. (ot9 here. please don't ask where the girls came from, lets just say they've always been friends since college started.) 

"guys we are so sorry!!" Chaeyoung says panting with her hands on her knees and looks over at Mina doing the same trying to catch her breath.  "yea sorry guys, we ugh lost track of time"

"well well well,  nice of you guys to show up" Momo says. "We had to wait to order until you guys got here!!" 

The girls take their seats and drink some water to finish catching their breathes. "we are so sorry, we know how hungry you get Momo but we really lost track of time okay, we just went to go get changed and fell asleep." Chaeyoung says but all of a sudden all the girls burst out laughing. 

Mina and Chaeyoung look at each other confused from their response. 

"why are you guys laughing?" Mina asks 

"well for one, Mina your shirt is on backwards." Mina looks down and bites her lip. She turns to Chaeyoung trying to figure out what to say but Chaeyoung is also at a loss for words. 

Nayeon then continues "Secondly, Chaeyoung did you become a vampire over night? because Mina is looking a but sucked on" 

They all laughed once again and Chaeyoung looks away with her face reddened not knowing what to say next because Mina did in fact have 3 plainly visible hickeys. 

Mina finally breaks trying to shut them up from laughing. "Okay!! okay fine we were doing other activities." Chaeyoung hides her face still and Mina puts her arm around her. "Once more, we're sorry we are late okay!"

They stop laughing and agree "Fine it's cool but you too will pay for dinner for making us wait so long" Jihyo says. 

Mina and Chaeyoung both nod their heads in agreement and laugh it off.

While they're all eating Chaeyoung interrupts. "Okay we need tell you guys something." 

"you're getting married?" Both girls eyes shoot open and they stay silent for a couple of seconds. 

"awkwardd" Tzuyu says chuckling

Chaeyoung composes herself "I mean of course I've though about it but that's not what we were going to say." she says brushing off the comment like it's nothing but actually meant a lot to Mina and made her think hard after. 

She continues, "Okay, remember what we told you at lunch about the girl? the crazy one? Well we found out what she's going to do tonight."

"which is?" the rest say

"well its not that big but she's gonna try to trap Chaeyoung and make me catch them. She's trying to break us up." 

"ahh she's a big weirdo crazy bitch then, why does she care so much about Chae? I mean no offense but c'mon Chaeyoung what did you do to make her like you so much?" Sana butts in but actually making a lot of sense. 

"We really don't know either but we do know that she is afraid of her father." Mina says with one eyebrow looking at Chaeyoung seriously. 

Chaeyoung looks around and rolls her eyes. "look like I said before okay, I did nothing, I think I said hi to her and apparently she's been in love with me this whole time. We could call her father, apparently he's a big business man in SK and has warned her not to do anything else or her will bring her back." "please help, I just want to be happy with MY girl" Chaeyoung finishes and holds Minas hand that is under the table on her thigh. 

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