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"Mom seriously?! remember I told you that I wanted to stay longer? That was barely even 30 minutes!" 

"are you pabo or something? I texted you It would be the same time. I can't just change my schedule right away." her mom says sassily. 

"oh" Chaeyoung says defeated as she checks her phone. 

"anyways Me and Mina are really getting along so hopefully tomorrow I ca-" 

she was cut off "oh god you really are pabo. tomorrow is Saturday darling. 

Chaeyoung frowns. "shit" 


"I will take your phone. Only I am allowed to say bad words. 

"shit!" she says after someone cuts her off while driving. 

"okaaay great then" Chaeyoung just turns around as she did feel very pabo since she didn't realize tomorrow is Saturday and she told mina see you tomorrow. 

She did a mental face slap because she felt so dumb. 

'agh I really want to see Mina again'

Chaeyoung was sure that She was gonna get to do more with Mina but dammit she didn't realize "ughhh"

"what is that for? do you and Mina have a thing or something?" her mom says very chill.

"what no, she is just really cool and both of us like hanging out mom" 

"okkay" her mom says, not believing her. 

"So what if I invite the Myouis over for dinner tomorrow?" 

Chaeyoung looks over excited. "REALLY?!" 

"sure I mean we have to thank them for letting your delinquent ass stay there, even if If it's just for a little." 

"oh yes I have a lot to thank them for please invite them mom" Chaeyoung says suspiciously which her mom doesn't let go unnoticed. 

"fine I'll try today." 


"The Myouis are coming over Sunday okay?" Chaeyoungs mom informs her. 

"You talked to them already?" 

"yes, I think It'll just be her mom though, maybe Mina doesn't like you. haha" Her mom says teasingly. 

Chaeyoung furrows her eyebrows because she is very confused. but heads to her room and decides to text, her.

-So youre not coming over with your mom?-

Cheayoung just sends the message without even thinking. She feels more comfortable talking to Mina now. 

-I just can't control myself when I'm around you, I'm afraid we might get caught.-

Now Chaeyoung is blushing uncontrollably followed by a giggle. Chaeyoung is now smirking while thinking of what to write back. 

-Is that right? I wouldn't want you to control yourself around me though. I really want to show you my room Mina, I wanted to show you something very very close to my heart. ;)-

Mina is now giggling and blushing. 

To explain this relationship, well. I really don't even now that right now. It was pure lust for the both of them and they haven't even had sex yet. 

-How close to your heart are we talking? Maybe you can give me a sneak peek right now to help convince me to go on Sunday.-

Chaeyoung thinks about it at first, are we really gonna do this? 'here goes nothing'

*snap* *snap* Cheayoung finishes taking some sexy pictures in the bathroom. 

She looks them over, well she knows Mina is going to like them. It was a picture of her bare chest and she was holding one of her boobs while looking straight into the camera. 


After Mina receives the picture she sits up and can't hold it together. 

-holy fuck you're so hot baby! I would do anything to have those perfect nipples in my mouth right now.-

Chaeyoung looks at Minas response and smirks again feeling satisfied. 

-Well you better come on Sunday so we can make that a reality baby-

Mina smiles 

-I will put my mouth on every part of your body when i get the chance. just looking at your tits I am so turned on.- 

-show me- 

 Mina thinks about what she will respond. She strips down getting really excited. looking at the picture that Chaeyoung sent again. looking at how Chaeyoung was looking at her in the eyes. knowing that If Chaeyoung was there in the room with her, she would be kissing her every where. 

Mina starts touching herself. touching her sensitive spot. rubbing her clit while thinking about how Cheayoung would put her tongue and twirl it around and around and around until she was screaming her name,

 How is it possible that this one person can make her feel so much but she hasn't even done much yet. 

As she is pleasuring herself still, she takes a picture she sends it to Cheayoung. (very skilled girl)

She keeps going until she finally comes to climax, as she is panting, she smiles still thinking about Cheayoung, how can She make me feel so good not even being here. 

As soon as Chaeyoung looks at the picture her mouth drops.  'oh my fucking God' 

She cant help but smirk at this beautiful creation. 

She is trying to keep a steady hand and text her back but she is to excited and horny. 

-fuck! baby, you know what I want to do to you with this tongue, you will be screaming my name on Sunday. I don't care who hears it.-

Chaeyoung also pleasures herself and by the time she finishes she is also left smiling. also thinking about Mina. Trying to calm down her breathing. She checks her phone. 

-I can't wait to feel every part of you-

-I hope that means you're coming- 

-I would not miss it for the world- 

-Goodnight. C-

-Goodnight. M-


Sorry for the long wait! another coming later tonight! 

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