Pillow talk

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"But Chae, I still have a girl friend..."

Chaeyoung rolls her eyes while still looking at Mina and starts to leave kisses on her neck. "oh yea? well I have one too you know."

"you what!?" Mina says as she sits up moving Chaeyoung off of her.

Chaeyoung raises her eyebrows and lays down next to her while licking her lips. "yea I have a girlfriend too and her name is Nayeon. She is super hot and gorgeous." Chaeyoung says bragging. 

"No you don't" Mina responds with an eyebrow raised and her arms crossed. "you can't have a girlfriend. I just decided this."

"oh really miss and who are you to decide that when you have one too." 

"I am Mina, your super hot secret girlfriend." Mina says proudly turning around to make her face inches away from Chaeyoungs. 

"I don't want you to be my secret girlfriend though Mina" Chaeyoung gets more serious while looking at her in the eyes. 

she continues "I want you to be my girlfriend forreal. Forever. Here *kiss* There *kiss* everywhere." Chaeyoung says sweetly while leaving trails of kisses on Minas face. 

Mina giggles through the kisses as Chaeyoung is making her way down to Minas neck. Chaeyoung starts sniffing her every where making her laugh out loud trying to get away. 

Mina now turns them over and she is pinning Chaeyoung down. looking at those perfect eyes. and that mole and that dimple that she can't help but gawk over having her so close. 

"And what about your girlfriend though? your 'super hot and gorgeous' girlfriend as you said." Mina sarcastically says. 

"oh yea about her..." 

"Dump her. dump her tomorrow." Mina demands. 

"And you? I really couldn't stand looking at you with that Ostridge for another second." Chaeyoung scoffs.

"Hey! don't call her that. she is an amazing human and she treated me really good Chae."

"Ughhh. seriously?! in front of my salad?" "I think I treated you well too! and I bet she didn't make you come like I just did" Chaeyoung continues saying while biting gently on one of Minas Nipples. 

"ahh" Mina lets out lustfully.

"you want to get me started again don't you? and I didn't have sex with her yet. we just made out sometimes. She was a little slow. I mean respectful in that area." mina says while her mouth is open slightly looking at Chaeyoung lick her everywhere. 

"fuck really? does that mean I am still your only one?" Chaeyoung says while stopping to wait for Minas answer. 

"yes baby. wait and what about your girlfriend?" 

"oh her..." Chaeyoung says suspiciously to try and get Mina angry. 

"you fucked her didn't you? ugh"

"I thought you and that girl were fucking too"

"Oh god just thinking about you with another girl makes me want to strangle you" 

"do it"

Mina straddles Chaeyoung as they are both still naked. 

She slowly wraps her hands around Chaeyoungs small neck and Chaeyoung releases a small moan. 


"you like this daddy?"

"always"  Chaeyoung starts thrusting her hips making Mina roll her eyes and follow the motion. 

"wait Chae stop, wait" Mina says as she pauses before they get to the goods. 

"whaaat?" Chaeyoung whines. "I need you" Chaeyoung says as she continues her seductive movements making Mina blush. 

"Please baby we have to figure this out tonight. I can't cheat on Jeongyeon anymore." Mina insists. 

Chaeyoung rolls her eyes again "fine but you cannot be on top of me anymore because you make me want to do nasty things to you." 

Mina smirks "soon my love" 

"fine lets figure it out. Oh by the way I don't really have a girlfriend." 

"Son Chaeyoung, were you trying to make me jealous?" Mina says with a another smirk. 

"Of course, and it worked."" we actually agreed to be fake girlfriends to make other people jealous." Chaeyoung continued to explain. 

"Sneaky little fuck" 

"Yea but you love this little fuck don't you?" 

"That I do." 

"So you're going to break up with the Ostridge right?" "just text her and get it over with." 

"For the last time her name is Jeongyeon. and no I cannot just dump her over text message. plus we have a movie date tomorrow." Mina finishes 

Chaeyoung mouth opens slights and wrinkles her eyebrows. "excuse me? I thought you were gonna break up with her to be with me. Now you're going on a date?" Chaeyoung sits back with her arms crossed and a big pout. 

Mina looks at her and cant help but smile a little. 'she is so cute' 

"baby, c'mon I am not that harsh to dump someone like that. I'll do it after okay. don't be mad."

"i wont be mad if you give me a kiss" Chaeyoung says still pouting. 

"fine where do you want a kiss. one kiss"

Chaeyoung gets excited and thinks about this hard before pointing to her lips and raising them out for Mina.  

Mina raises her eyebrows but smiles at how cheeky her Chae is. 


Mina leans in slowly already with her eyes closed but Chaeyoung catches her lips before Mina gets to her. 

The kiss starts soft, not lustful at all. They were just enjoying this moment. 

They release from the kiss and Chaeyoung remembers something. "Wait what did you say your girlfriends name was?"

Mina opens her eyes, lost in thought. "Jeongyeon, why?"

"full name?"

"Yoo, Yoo Jeongyeon"

"Woah that's crazy, can it be that she is the same girl?" 

"what are you talking about Chae?" 

"My 'girlfriend' also wanted to make a girl jealous and said her name was Yoo Jeongyeon. I think its the same girl. She mentioned her height a couple of times." 

"if this is true we can somehow get them together without hurting Jeongyeon." 

"Yes! right baby we are genius'!"

"yes we are!" they celebrate and crash their lips together from the excitement. 

Once again the kiss becoming lustful as they cannot control themselves.

Chaeyoung slaps Minas ass before bringing Minas naked body closer to hers. 

Of course their hips start to find the same motion, not being able to hold it in any longer. grabbing each other by the hair and letting this night happen without a worry about anyone else anymore. 


Gonna try to update another tomorrow! Lmk what you think so far...

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