Pillow Talk Part 2

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The next morning Chaeyoung wakes up with the biggest smile on her face. She turns her body and looks at the person next to her. 'is this a dream?' She thinks as she rubs her eyes really hard. 

Nope. this was in fact real life. Mina and Chaeyoung did in fact spend the whole night together doing unholy things to each other until they both exhausted themselves. 

It was hard for Chaeyoung to even turn her body as she was soar from what Mina was doing last night. 'that was the best night of my life' Chaeyoung recalls every single moment while reaching over and rubbing Minas back up and down until she feels the older girl shift on the bed. 

"Good morning" Chaeyoung says while leaving kisses up and down her back. 

Mina cant help but smile as she was getting goosebumps all over her body from the soft kisses from this cub. 

Mina turns around slowly putting her arms around Chaeyoung neck leaning in to give her girl morning kisses too, still smiling though them. 

"And a good morning to you tiger" Mina says sweetly making Chaeyoung blush. 

"How did you sleep?" Mina asks while removing some unwanted hairs off of Chaeyoung Face.

"Perfect. Best sleep of my life. I wish I could lay here with you all day."

"Best you ever had?" Mina asks playfully. 

"Best I'll ever have." They both chuckle after Chaeyoung says this. 

"I am a little soar though, shit how many fingers did y-" 

Chaeyoung was cut off by Minas hand. "what?" she says confused. 

Mina just laughs because she got too shy as she knew what Chaeyoung was going to say. 

Chaeyoung smiles lovingly at her girl. 'she is so cute' she thought while just starring at her. 

They both chuckle and continue making out before Chaes alarm rings, making them both groan. 

"Shit, morning class. I should have brought extra clothes. coming here with you last night was the hardest decision I have ever made. I didn't know if you were going to reject me but I knew I had to take a chance." "I love you Mina." Chaeyoung finishes saying as she is putting on her clothes. Chaeyoung runs in the bathroom to brush her teeth with Minas toothbrush. 

"Hey!! that's mine!" Mina rolls her eyes and continues. "Come here and give me a few more kisses before you go, I'll miss you so much" 

Chaeyoung finishes and comes back over to Mina leaving kisses everywhere before she has to leave. 

"I love you too Chae"

They both smile but before Chaeyoung heads out. Mina remembers. 

"Oh by the way, I forgot to mention. What the fuck is up with that girl?"

"What girl?" 

"That girl you were eating lunch with the other day." 

"Oh Somi, I just invited her to lunch. I think she likes me though." 

"Yea no shit sherlock." 

"What do you mean?"

"This bitch came to my room yesterday before you got here, threatened me to stay away from you. can you believe that? 

Chaeyoung wrinkles her eyebrows. "what the fuck?" 

"I promise yesterday was the first time I even acknowledged her presence in the world."

"Yea I told her to fuck off." 

"good but i am a little worried that she came here to your room. how did she even know where you lived?" Chaeyoung says while sitting back down, thinking. 

"Yea I don't know but i think she has been watching you from a far and following you too. you need to be careful baby." 

"I'll talk to her" 

"What! No maybe that's not a good idea. she seems crazy." 

"Says the person who told her to fuck off." 

They both chuckle and shake their head as this situation was absurd to even think about.

"You've got yourself a little crazy fan there"

"I guess I do, can you blame her though, I am pretty irresistible. Maybe I should give in a little then."

"That is true but you do that and I'll kill both of you." 

"haha fine. Ill just ask her nicely, you know 'what the fuck is wrong with you?'." "right?"

"if you can try to say it nicely then be my guest. But I just know she had this look in her eye." 

"Don't worry. I'm sure she's completely harmless." 

"okay my cub, have a good class. text me later for 'The Plan' okay?" 

"Whatever you say" Chaeyoung says as she gives Mina one more peck before heading out. without realizing the was someone watching, waiting for her to leave the room. 


What is Somi up to? 

I did not expect to go this far into the story but I think It's not that bad right now. Also in one of the first chapters I said this was going to be a short story with like 3 chapters. 😂 lololol 

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