Wedding Part 1

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Mina and Chaeyoung just woke up in their new apartment after officially breaking it in. 

Chaeyoung gets up before Mina, An automatic smile on her face as she rolls over the sheets and on top of her since she is face down. Mina smiles automatically, remembering every detail from last night. Chaeyoung leaves tiny pecks on Minas back giving her the goosebumps. 

"mmmm good morning love" Mina says in her deep voice, yawning. 

Chaeyoung lays her head  on Minas back. "great morning. what time is it anyways" She starts to shuffle to get up but Mina puts her arm on her making her stop. "staaay" She says still half asleep. 

Chaeyoung giggles. "let me see it" 

Mina huffs. "it's beautiful Chaengie" She says lifting her hand up to the air letting the sun light shine on her new engagement ring. Making Chaeyoung dimple smile. 

"and yours?" Mina asks. Chaeyoung lifts her hand up to the air but Mina can't see it so she rolls over, making them face to face and after last nights events there was nothing else between the sheets. 

"ahh we're naked Minari" Chaeyoung giggles. 

She laughs and wrinkles her eyebrows at her fiancés silly comment. 

"you don't like that?" Mina asks sarcastically. 

Chaeyoung gives her a crooked smile that Mina loves. "I'm a little shy" Chaeyoung says but Mina can tell the deviance behind this cub. 

"you weren't shy last night when you were dancing around showing me your-" Chaeyoung stops that comment with a kiss. 

A sweet kiss and after about 10 minutes "that shall never be said out loud" 

Mina giggled "fine let me see yours then." She said referring to Chaeyoungs engagement ring that Mina picked out for her. 

Chaeyoung lifted her hand and Mina joined her, locking their hands together. She brought it to her lips and held their hands there. 

"last night was AMAZING minari, what time did we even go to sleep" 

"I cant remember, I really lost track of time, Every time I thought we were done, something else kept happening." 

"I just cant get enough of you." Chaeyoung said feeling up Minas body again making Mina start laughing

"that was supposed to be sexy not funny" Chaeyoung pouted. 

"you are tickling me and you know it!" Mina said trying to catch her breath from laughing. 

Chaeyoung just smiled looking down at her fiancé "I'm gonna make you something yummy to eat okay? give me 20 minutes." she stands up revealing her naked body. 

Mina raises her eye brows surprised "will you put clothes on?" she yells at Chaeyoung but she just keeps walking away. "nope!" Chaeyoung yells from the other room. 

 "okaay" She says and giggles at her girls silliness also because  she knows Chaeyoung cant cook for shit. 

Mina fell back to sleep when someone barges in making a bunch of noise. she opens her eyes and a naked lady is standing in front of her with a tray of food. 

"am i dreaming?" Mina says rubbing her eyes while sitting up. 

Chaeyoung shows her dimple again and sets the tray in front of Mina. "just ramen" she says pouting. 

"ramen and tits, my favorite!" Chaeyoung coughs a little from the comment. 

"just ramen lady, if you want the tits you have to work for them" 

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