Jealousy x2

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(I got distracted again trying to get Momos attention on the VLIVE chat room.) 

As Chaeyoung and Somi are walking into the food court. Somi links on to Chaeyoungs arm so that they are stuck walking together. 

Chaeyoung thought it was a little weird but just smiled awkwardly since she didn't want to be mean. 

They finally get in and Chaeyoung starts to look around for Mina. 

'There she is. She's hugging her' Chaeyoung gets sad and scrunches her nose while watching the scene and looks away fast before mina catches her starring. 

Now holding onto Somi as well because her pride was not gonna let her get defeated and more embarrassed. 

"lets sit over there okay?" Chaeyoung says to her. after they get their food. 

Finding her seat in front of Somi so that she is facing Mina on purpose. 

She finally looks up at Mina but Mina is already starring at her. burning a whole in her face would be a better way of describing it but Chaeyoung decides to be strong as she knew she had succeeded in making Mina jealous. So she decides to smirk. 

Mina is starring at Chaeyoung looking furious and heated. Chaeyoung changed her hair. 

'fuck' Mina thought as she couldn't take her eyes off of the smaller girl. 

Still feeling jealous as she has never seen Chaeyoung with another girl. You could say this was a new emotion for Mina because Chaeyoung never gave a reason for Mina to feel like this before. Chaeyoung always made sure Mina knew she was always looking at her. Even if it was from afar. 

Like I said before, they both had a secret and silent understanding with each other.  

Mina makes a decision. She knew exactly what Chaeyoung was doing. What surprised Mina is that is was working. 

She looks back at Jeongyeon but the older girl is looking at her suspiciously. 

"yes? why are you looking at me like that?" 

"What's going on right now?" says a confused Jeongyeon. 


"But your face is red Mina what's wrong?"

"nothing, it's nothing, it's just.. hot in here or in this section. why don't we go sit with my friend over there." Mina says but doesn't even let Jeongyeon respond when she is already making her way over to Chaeyoung. 

Jeongyeon tries to follow behind since Mina is walking quite fast. 

They get to where Chaeyoung is and Chaeyoung is still smirking at Mina.

Chaeyoung could not take her eyes off of Mina the entire time they were walking over to them. An even seductive stare if even possible from across the room. 'That was a was a bold move' thought Chaeyoung. 

"Hey, can we sit with you guys?" Mina asks still with an eyebrow raised, but only looking at Chaeyoung.

"please..." Chaeyoung gestures with her hand for Mina to sit beside her and Mina tells Jeongyeon to sit across next to Somi. 

They are all just looking at each other. 

Mina didn't even know why she just walked over here. Not realizing that the fumes of jealousy took over. 'why was it that easy?' Mina thought and sighed. 

"So... How are you? haven't talked in while Mina." Chaeyoung says and slightly licks her lips. 

One of Minas weaknesses from Chaeyoung. 

Mina looks down to Chaeyoungs lips. Those plump lips. then looks at her hair. 'It's new. did she do that for me?' she thinks as she's trying to calm down from this heat.  

"Good. and how do you two know each other?" Mina asks looking at Somi... failed. 

"Oh we were in the same class just now and Chaeyoung invited me to lunch. I guess this is our first date." Somi says looking at Chaeyoung and then grabbing her hand that was on the table. 

Chaeyoungs eyes open wide, looking at their hands and realizing this girl is a bit weird. They barely talked a couple of times. 'I never said date. What is with this chick.' 

she looks down at their hands again and smiles awkwardly which noone notices. 

While Jeongyeon is listening not paying attention to her girlfriend she comments. "how cute, you two make such an adorable couple."

Mina glares at Jeongyeon.

Mina is now fuming again. 

"hahaha wow really and how long has this been going on?" she says rather raising her voice. 

Chaeyoung notices and removes her hand away from Somi's hold as she didn't want to over do it.  

"Well it's not really a date. I just asked if you wanted lunch Somi." Chaeyoung says still caring about what Mina thinks for some reason. 

Not wanting Mina to be upset at her for this. Still needing Minas approval. Still having Mina in the brain. 

Mina looks away calmed a bit down and satisfied with Chaeyoungs answer.

"Your hair looks good by the way." Mina says quietly while turning her head to Chaeyoung

Chaeyoung freezes. 'did anyone else hear that?' 

"thanks" Chaeyoung says and blushes slightly. 

"Right, well it might turn into a date later if Chaeyoung finally accepts my many many attempts." Somi interrupts still starring at Chaeyoung dreamily. 

Chaeyoung just raises her eyebrows and nods her head. 

Mina clenches her teeth together and Chaeyoung just pretends not to even notice Minas face but actually totally did. 

Somi then also adds. "are you guys a couple?" 

Both Mina and Chaeyoung raise their heads at the same time to look at each other. 

Chaeyoung is still waiting for Minas answer.  Mina is taking a painfully long time to answer as she is still locked eyes with Chaeyoung. 

"yes we are. Its been a week. We are so happy" Jeongyeon interrupts their little starring contest. 

Everyone looks at Jeongyeon but stay silent as there was a shift in the mood.

Chaeyoung sighs and stands up as her little game didn't go as planned. She isn't strong enough to go all the way with Somi and she isn't big enough to go against Jeongyeon. 

All she wanted was Mina but maybe that wasn't enough. 

"My next class is starting soon, see you guys later." She doesn't look back as her face was too red for once again she was feeling like a lost cub in Minas world. 


Attention, we have a hurt cub on the loose. but what will be her next move???

I don't even know yet tbh. I am all ears if you have an opinion. 

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