Bad Timing

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Someone slammed the door open hitting Chaeyoung and throwing her back since she was standing right behind it. 

They pushed the door so hard that the little cub fell over making the hot coffee spill all over her face and clothes. 

"OW!!!" Chaeyoung yells as she falls down dropping the flowers on her way down too. 

She's been burned and not just from the coffee. :(

Mina didn't pay attention to Chaeyoung because there was already someone on her face. 

A girl. Another girl Chaeyoungs has never met or seen Mina with. 

Chaeyoung looks up and sees this person attacking Minas mouth. 

This is the moment Chaeyoung realized. There was already with someone else. She realized she was too late. 'what the fuck?!' Chaeyoung thought as she was starring at them pissed with her lips slights open with shock.  

The hot coffee wasn't even hurting her any more. The view was doing that just fine. 

Mina managed to get the girl off and payed attention to Chaeyoung as she was trying to get up. 

"Chae are you okay!?" Mina says trying to help Chaeyoung up as she now notices her face and chest are red from the coffee.

Mina puts her hand out for Chaeyoung but she refuses. 

The other girl finally notices that there is another person in the room "Oh I am so sorry buddy, didn't mean to do that." 

The girl lifts Chaeyoung up with no problem and pats her head like a child. 

Chaeyoung steps back hating that this chick just called her buddy, trying to take in what just happened. 

"Hi I'm Jeongyeon, Minas girlfriend. And you are?" (sorry I really couldn't think of anyone else.)

Chaeyoung raises her eyebrows and looks at Mina. 'So Mina went and found herself a girlfriend? I guess it really was all about the sex with her.' Chaeyoung really couldn't even get a word out. This really is the last thing she expected. 

Mina just looks at Chaeyoung apologetically. 

"I'm no one. just leaving." Chaeyoung says as she tries to wipe her shirt still since no one bothered to hand her a towel at least. 

She starts to head out without looking back, trying to hold her tears back. 

"Chaeyoung wait!" Mina says trying to catch her on the way out but Chaeyoung got away fast. 

Mina felt horrible. This gut horrible feeling seeing Chaeyoungs face after Jeongyeon kissed her. Mina had never kissed anyone except Chaeyoung and Chaeyoung the same. 

Chaeyoung had the face of someone who had got betrayed. Mina had never seen this face on her. 

She loved Chaeyoung and after hearing what she confessed she wanted to kiss her so bad and tell her she wanted to be with her too but. Jeongyeon. 

I guess you can say Jeongyeon was there at the right place at the right time. 

********SMALL FB********

Mina got to her class the day after her talk with Chaeyoung. 

"Hey, I noticed you always sit alone. I just want to say you are gorgeous. Is this seat taken?" Jeongyeon asks giving Mina that killer smile we all know. 

"Oh sure got ahead and thanks..." Mina says while blushing

'what is wrong with me' Mina thinks as she turns her head because no one has made her blush of feel like this besides Chaeyoung. How did this happen so fast? It was a new feeling but she liked it. 

********FB ENDS********

Since the day they met they have spent everyday together and Jeongyeon asked her to be her girlfriends just a week later. 

Mina caved as no one had treated her that way in public. She fell fast, she thought about Chaeyoung a lot but then thought about how Chaeyoung never wanted or tried to be with her publicly. Or so she thought before this day. 

'fuck' Mina thought as she stared at the empty hallway, hoping to see Chaeyoungs face again and explain. 

She walks back to her room with a sigh and worried expression where Jeongyeon is waiting.

"hey what's wrong? Where'd your friend go? I think the coffee really burned her she was kind of crying." 

Minas face gets even worse and now she is almost crying. "nothing I just haven't seen her in a long time and we got into a fight a while ago." Mina says already sniffling and massaging her temples. 

"Well you should make up with her if she is a close friend okay?" Mina just nods, thinking about Chaeyoung...


Poor Chaeyoung...

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