Getting close 🔞

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Mina and Chaeyoung were still with their friends talking and eating but Chaeyoung was still looking out for Somi. She noticed that Somi and her friend left so it was their chance to discuss tonight's plan.

"okay guys listen up, we need help."

Everyone looks at Chaeyoung because they are so confused, even Mina. 

"Don't look at me like that, We haven't been able to deal with that girl that is obsessed with me, remember this girl that is in love with me? from the picture where we were kissing"

Mina furrowed her brows and crosses her arms, "Where are you going with this?"

Chaeyoung guiltily looked down " I think she is planning something for tonight."

Mina rolled her eyes "how do you know?" 

"did you guys not see her sneak up behind us? that's why i said where we were going loud. I know she will be there tonight. I just don't know what it is she's planning." Chaeyoung says.

"Wow Chaeng, be careful with your stalkers. How many do you have? hahaha" they all laugh at Sanas remark even Mina. 

"It's not funny don't you guys remember what she did to Minas room. If she was crazy enough to do that who knows what she is capable of doing." Chaeyoung said with a worried face. 

Now Mina got more worried. "She's right this week hasn't been so bad but maybe she was just going easy. Should we tell the police or something?" 

"The police? Didn't you guys report her and nothing happened?" Said Jihyo

Mina and Chaeyoung nodded their head n agreement. 

"Do you think she had help?" Momo asked 

"I saw her on the other side over there with someone, I think she is in my class too, maybe I should try to get her alone and make her tell me." 

"I think you can get her alone and I will be there too." Mina says with a brow raised

"yea you never know who else will become Chaeyoungs stalker. It might be easier than I thought." Commented Sana which made everyone laugh. 

"fine come with me right now and lets find her."Chaeyoung says dragging Mina away. 


Mina and Chaeyoung went off hand in hand looking for the girl. Chuu. Although they didn't know her name yet. 

Chaeyoung saw what direction Somi and that girl went off to not really expecting to find them. 

"this is really hopeless Chaengieee" Mina says whining while still walking around "I don't even know what she looks like" 

Chaeyoung was dragging Minas hand not really having a specific direction for them. "I know what she looks like, she's in my class she has a cute little face and-" Chaeyoung was cut off by Mina.

"Son Chaeyoung. Read the room" 

"aishh you get so jealous woman!" 

"I do not I-" Mina couldn't finish her sentence when Chaeyoung crashed her lips on to her girls. 

Mina couldn't help but smile at her girls antics. 

"have I ever given you a reason to be jealous? Other than that one time I did it on purpose." Chaeyoung said giggling. 

Chaeyoung pulls Mina into a warm hug and Mina softens "I guess you're right. How can you be so good?" 

"I don't know, I guess you got lucky when you seduced me" Chaeyoung says but knows it won't go well for her. She receives a smack from Mina followed by kiss on the cheek. 

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