No other choice

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"Okay Chaeyoung your gonna be moving to a new school since you got kicked out of your other one. " "ugh mom! seriously I don't want to move schools!" 

"Well you should have thought about that when you were vandalizing the school." Her mom says more seriously. "Mom it's called art!" "It's called you getting kicked out because of it and causing me a massive headache. I still don't know if I'll be able to pick you up. you might need to take some extra classes or stay studying in the library until I get there." 

"Mom that is literally the dumbest thing I have every heard, that's a big no for me. We have to figure out something. Look I'm sorry I've been giving you a headache. I was just trying to express myself. Plus I can't stay in school for that long. they will close and leave me outside." Chaeyoung says a little more worried now. 

"I'll think of something okay. you will be starting until next week anyways so that gives us until then to figure it out." "thanks mom, and sorry again" "I know sweetie" 

- A few days later-

"Chaeyoung! I have got a solution to our little problem." says Chaeyoungs mom excitingly.

"OH Mom really? Yay thank you!! so what will we do? will you get out of work early or send someone or?" her Mom cut her off slightly laughing. 

"little missy It is just you and me . I can not afford to get off early so do you remember the Myouis? " "Myouis? I don't think so."

"Sure you do, you used to play with their daughter at daycare, when you used to go to daycare remember?" "ohhhh yea, she was my only friend, I can't remember her name tho."

"Her name is Mina and I found out that she goes to the new school that you will be starting in a few days and they live 5 minutes away from the school sooo" 

"Oh no no no Mom, I don't even know them like that, It would be so weird!" "sure you do we used to take you to their house a lot when you were little. Me and her mom were closer then" 

Her mom continues " and besides sweetie this is really your only option other than the staying in school until they kick you out crap. Also I have already spoken to her mom and she said they would be delighted to have you. she says her daughter remembers you." 

"Mom!!!" Chaeyoung wines. "Mom nothing, we really don't have another choice little one. I will try to finish work as fast as I can to come pick you up. you get out of school at 3pm. I should be there by 4 , 4:30 the latest okay? or 5." Her mother informs  but Chaeyoung just had a pouty face.

There was really no other way so she had to just suck it up and deal with it. She didn't really remember this Mina girl other than playing with her sometimes. It's really all a blue because it was so long ago, I can't believe she remembers me. 


Okay this is it, The first day of school Chaeyoung. You got this! Fighting!

I went to the main office to get my new class schedule which was  classes throughout my day. I had to wear the stupid school uniform which was a dark green plaid skirt and a white button down shirt. I have to say I do look good in it. 

While in my first class I got a few looks and questions because of my blonde short hair. Nothing too interesting happened. talked to a couple of people, made acquaintances. until I didn't even notice it's almost the end of my day. I am in my last class and I don't know where I'll go after school.  'Oh yea I forgot to text that girl Mina. Let me do that now' Chaeyoung thought.

-Hello Mina?  This is Chaeyoung, My mom told me I'll be going to your house after school? Not sure where you live tho. do you think we can walk together?-

'okay lets see if she texts back' Chaeyoung thought as she is still in her last class. 

-Oh yes my mom told me, Hello Chaeyoung. yes I will meet you at the school entrance next to the office when the last class is finished. see ya then- 


**Okay this is dead honest something that happened to me with a little tweaking and in Michaeng perspective. I just thought it was interesting.  I decided to spit it in 3 parts since it will be too long i think. Maybe in 2 parts if I can shorten it. **

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