Double Date Part 1

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Mina and Jeongyeon meet up at the movie theater before the movie starts. 

"MINA! I missed you!" Jeongyeon says as she runs and hugs Mina again. 

"Good to see you again" Mina says in a more chill tone since she doesn't want the girl to get to attached being since she knew how this night was going to end. 

"Hey, I invited my friend and her girlfriend too. She was really excited about this movie too, is that okay?"

"Oh sure, what friend? You didn't tell me earlier when we were texting. Let me go get two more tickets."  Jeongyeon says and walks away. 

She comes back and Mina says "Sorry it was kind of last minute, It's the girl we had lunch with the other day, her name is Cheayoung and her girlfriend. I think she said her name was Nayeon." 

Jeongyeon turns her head quickly when Mina mentioned that name. "Wait who is her girlfriend?!"

"I think she did say Nayeon, Im Nayeon. why?" Mina is now internally smiling as she knew why Jeongyeon reacted the way she did. 'This might actually work'. Mina thought. 

Jeongyeons face is now a bright red because of the thought of the ex girlfriend she did not want to think about was about to show up here with a new girl. The on again off again ex girlfriend that she could not manage to ever get away from. She tried many times but they always seemed to find a way back to each other. No matter what the situation or where they were, It was always Im Nayeon that never seemed to leave her mind and always found her way back to her heart.  

"Oh I think I know her too, that's all." Jeongyeon becomes quiet as they are waiting for Chaeyoung and Nayeon.  'Not this time. Not again Im Nayeon. You are not going to get me this time' Jeongyeon thought as she smiled looking at Mina. 


It's been about 10 Minutes and they are still waiting outside for them. The movie starts in 5 so they decided to just go ahead in until they heard two girls screaming down the street. 

They both turn around and see two girls that look a bit insane for their age right now. 

Two girls holding hands while running towards them.

They finally get to where Mina and Jeongyeon are. "Oh hey guys, did you get the tickets already?" Chaeyoung says.

Mina is just starring at their hands as the jealousy starts to kick in. "Yea, you know we've been waiting here for like 10 Minutes for you guys." Mina says very bluntly. 

"Sorry we were just... getting ready." Chaeyoung says and her and Nayeon start giggling. 

Mina is not amused of course and Jeongyeon is speechless because of course it was her. There was only one Im Nayeon in this world and she had to be the one to show up here again. Again make her go internally crazy. 

"This is my girlfriend Im Nayeon by the way." Chaeyoung gestures for Nayeon to say hi.

Nayeon bows. "yes hello I am Im Nayeon. Nice to meet you" She says to Mina and when she comes back up she looks at Jeongyeon and continues. "and we have met. Hello Jeongyeon. so good to see you again." she finishes with a smirk. 

"Oh really how do you know each other?" Mina says to Nayeon.

"Just very good, old friends." She simply says while Chaeyoung is in the corner trying to hold in her laughter but no one notices. 

Jeongyeon is giving her a death glare. She wrinkles her eyebrows and rolls her eyes. "yea yea never mind that, the movie is going to start so how about we go in already."

Mina looks at Jeongyeon confused because she always thought her to be sweet and happy. Mina follows her in but giving Chaeyoung a looks of 'you better behave' as Nayeon and her were walking in still holding hands.  Chaeyoung just gives Mina a small wink before heading in behind them. 

They walk in and try to find some empty seats since they were a little late. 

"Oo I see four seats in the middle" Chaeyoung points to the middle of the theater. 

"Good eye baby" Nayeon says as she kisses Chaeyoungs cheek. 

Chaeyoung smiles and holds her cheek going along with Nayeons little game and drags her towards the seats. 

Both Mina and Jeongyeon were livid as they were looking at the girls walking off like nothing in the world mattered. 

Both not knowing what to think. Of course Mina knew this was an act but she didn't think she would get this jealous of Chaeyoungs fake girlfriend so easily. 

Jeongyeon is just internally confused as she thought she left all feelings for Nayeon behind as they broke up just a short month ago. The whole reason she tried to speed things up with Mina was to get over her Nayeon as fast as possible. Getting a rebound as her friend Sana told her to do. 

It clearly wasn't working as she was doing all things possible to avoid this girl and she definitely did not expect to be here with anyone, especially with a girlfriend. 

'Did she get over me that fast?' Jeongyeon thought. 

Her insecurities building up as she realized now that seeing her Ex so happy with this other girl was not in the slightest helping her rebound situation or her heart situation. 

They walk over to the seats to see the girls sitting already just waiting. still holding hands. 

Nayeon was on the end and Chaeyoung was next so Mina decided to sit next to Chaeyoung of course and then Jeongyeon on the other end. 


"good seats honey" Nayeon says, trying to stir the pot as much as possible. 

Both Mina and Jeongyeon roll their eyes and just stare at the screen.


When Chae and Nayeon were walking to the theater they discussed a plan where Mina and Chaeyoung would go off to get popcorn so that Nayeon can talk to Jeongyeon alone. 

"Good plan. solid, very smart!" Chaeyoung compliments Nayeon.

"I know right I am just the whole package." 

"Don't push it. We still don't know if this is going to work. I'll thank you then." 

"Fine but lets start running because we are so late. and hold my hand the whole time okay."



"OH MY GOD!" Chaeyoung says loudly getting their attention. 

"What, what is it? Are you okay?" Mina says worried. 

"We don't have any popcorn" Chaeyoung says while giggling as she got a good scare off of Mina. 

Mina pushes her shoulder playfully. "I thought it was something serious!" Chaeyoung, still giggling says "it is serious. it's popcorn!"

Nayeon giggles too. "you are so silly babe. but yea please go get us some popcorn. Oh Mina you should go too since you and Jeongyeon don't have any either." 

Jeongyeon opens her eyes wide. "I could go actually" 

"No no its okay," Mina says. "You got the tickets so I will go. You stay and chat with your old friend." She finishes and her and Chaeyoung walk down the stairs before Jeongyeon can protest. 

As soon as those two disappear from sight Nayeon takes her shot. 

"Alone at last." She says seductively. 


I am doing way better, have just been resting a lot as the doctor said. Hopefully you like these next chapters!

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