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Please don't leave me, bare with me. We are so close!.. trust me I am trying to finish this story as I'm sure you want an end already!

Chaeyoung stood in the bathroom looking at herself in the mirror, trying to concentrate so hard to remember what else happened that night. *slap* "think you dummy" 


She really couldn't remember, she knew Mina was not gonna let this go.

'ill talk to the other girls at lunch' Chaeyoung thought as she finished getting ready for class.

she started walking to class until saw a familiar face.

"Nayeon!!" She yelled to get this girls attention as she ran to her. 

"OOOH Chaeng my girl!!, how are you still alive today?" she said laughing 

"what do you mean?" Chaeyoung was more confused than ever. 

"oh we all thought you would be dead or locked inside all day."

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes "you were there last night right?" 

"oh dear. you dummy. We all had dinner together remember and then we went to karaoke."

"yes yes but what happened after? I think i passed out." 

Now Nayeon rolled her eyes. still laughing at the smaller girl. 

"Jeong!" Nayeon yelled across the courtyard. She spotted their other friend so she had to bring her in on the fun. 

"what's up little tiger. How you feeling?" she said patting Chaeyoungs head like a kid. 

Chaeyoung moved her hand away and now asked Jeongyeon about last night. 

"please can one of you just finish telling me about last night. something special happened but now I am gonna be dead if I don't find out what happened after the special thing" 

"oh so you do remember some. good job cub, that was important and you might just survive after all" Jeongyeon says. 

Chaeyoung just stares at both girls with a serious face and a flat line. 

"okay okay the after is what you want right?" Nayeon says giving in to Chaengs puppy eyes. 

Chaeyoung blink as a response. 

"WELL after you and Mina got engaged, congrats by the way... wait isn't that a little too young?" 

Chaeyoung grabs both girls face and sticks them together. "if you don't tell me what happened after I will actually die!!! PLEASEEE" she said while making both of their cheeks smash. 

They break apart and blush clearing their throat. 

"okay okay well you excused yourself to go to the bathroom. Nayeon started singing some song I can't remember until a couple of songs later, you still weren't back yet. Mina started crying. she was drunk too. but not as much as you. We all then went out of the room looking everywhere. Then we all went to the bathroom and that's when we saw it." she paused for a second. 

Nayeon making a sorry face. 

"we busted open the door and there you were on one knee proposing to that girl."

Chaeyoung face palms herself with both hands hard. she cant believe what she is hearing right now.  "Are you serious!??" 

"yes little cub, unfortunately yes. but before you finished saying will you marry me, Mina swooped in and it went crazy from there. you should have seen your face. you couldn't even believe it so you passed out." Jeongyeon finishes. 

"wait weren't we supposed to watch out for that girl?" Nayeon adds in. 

"yes. exactly what we were supposed to do and instead, oh fuckkk" Chaeyoungs head starts pounding again. 

Nayeon puts her arm around Chaeyoungs shoulder to comfort her "its okay, I'm sure Mina will understand that you don't want to marry that crazy bitch only the other one," 

Chaeyoung shakes her way out from Nayeon and takes a step back. "ahh okay well I talked to Mina this morning and we are going to be okay. We were happy but I just really had to find out what stupid thing I did last night."  

"how are you going to make this up to Mina cub?" it must have hurt a little even if she was drunk. who knows what would have happened if we hadn't been there in time." 

"I know I need to make it up to her but first I need to deal with the crazy bitch"

she bids goodbye to 2yeon and heads to her class that she just so happened to have with Somi. 

she's there. 

Chaeyoung rushes to her side "okay what the fuck is wrong with you?" 

"why hello there wifey." Somi says bragging about her successful night 

Chaeyoung is now pissed. "don't you ever say that to me again."

"well I mean you did get on one knee and ask me to marry you. you know I really didn't even have to try. I was supposed to grab you and kiss you until someone saw us but you just did everything all on your own." somi says smirking. 

Chaeyoung still pissed but embarrassingly still looked at Somi. "you know I was drunk right? I don't think anyone in a million years would ever want to marry your crazy ass while sober"  

Somi laughs trying to ignore that fact. 

Chaeyoung kept talking because she had to make it clear to her. "the only person that I will be marrying is called Myoui Mina. She is the only person that I would ever want to spend my life with. the one I love. Im sorry no one has ever reciprocated those feeling for you but it's not going to be me. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not ever." 

Chaeyoung was getting ready to leave the class. She really couldn't stand to be any where near this crazy. 

"yea well we'll see about that Chaeyoung. over my dead body will you be marrying Myoui Mina." 

"does your father know about you little extra curricular activities though?" 

Somis face changed. 

"oh yea i forgot to mention. If I even feel your presence any where near Myself or Mina or her dorm. you bet your ass I will get him involved" Chaeyoung finishes and walks out of the class. 

Somi was left standing there like a dumb ass. Now mad and confused. 'how did she know about my father?' she questioned to herself while sitting back down feeling defeated for today. 

Meanwhile Chaeyoung couldn't wait to go and find her girl. She ran and ran until she found her  in the dance studio. It has been a long time since she saw Mina dancing. 

She just did it for fun but every time she wore those tights it was a treat itself. aside from her beautiful dancing of course. 

"MINA!!" Chaeyoung says running to her fiancé. 


I also have a long ass one shot about Michaeng first date. If you guys want it let me know or vote on this chapter and I'll post it tomorrow. 

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