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"Think about what you're doing Somi, I mean is she even worth it? What do you plan to gain from this?" Somi's friend Chuu, was trying to reason with her because of course this was a crazy idea.

"To gain? My girlfriend and if not then I plan on making sure they don't end up together." Somi says almost evilly.

"That's a little cray cray my girl." The Chuu says shaking her head.

"I don't think so considering how they embarrassed me. Chaeyoung asked me out first and then she just left me? We were finally starting to get somewhere and she got together with her?"

"Yea they have been going out everywhere. everyone is talking about them as the new hot couple. they are actually pretty cute holding hands."

"stop talking about them and help me think of ways to get her back." Somi says sternly and now annoyed.

"okay fine, but you need to be nicer to me. I should actually be studying right now."

"fine I'll buy you dinner but you need to help me."

"okay what's your next idea. I took that picture of you kissing. and you guys in class the other day. will you try to kiss her again?"

"Maybe, just this time in front of Mina."

"you might get your ass kicked. you ready for that?"

"my ass, I don't think so. Once Mina sees us kissing she will get so mad and leave. or maybe I should get Chaeyoung really drunk and bring her to bed so Mina can find us."

"that seems a little extreme. think about what will happen if you get caught Somi. I'm sure you can go to jail or worse, what if your dad finds out what you've been doing. he would forsure take you back."

"Shut it! I won't get caught. He will not take me back. I- " Somi stopped herself from the fear of getting caught and going back to her father. He warned her that if she were to pull another one of her stunts she would have to go back to South Korea with him instead of studying where she wanted to in the first place.

"All I'm saying is think about it okay, think about it long and hard. One wrong move and"

Chuus words were fading into the background as she saw Chaeyoung brush past her, not even taking a second to look to her right. She would have noticed that Somi was sitting near by as it was lunch time.

But there was already someone waiting for Chaeyoung. Smiling as if they were in love.

That's all Somi wanted as well.

For a year, that's all Somi was hoping for with Chaeyoung. Always turning back and smiling at her. Everyday saying hi. Sometimes getting a smile back with that dimple.

As soon as she saw Chaeyoung, all of her thoughts seemed to disappear. Her father, her fears of not being with the one she was "destined" to be with.

Chuu snapped her fingers in front of Somi's hypnotized face. "hello! are you even listening to me!?"

"huh oh yea, I'll be back" Somi says as she heads towards the other girls.

no one seemed to notice that Somi was there behind them, listening.

"okay so dinner tonight and then drinks after with karaoke? Everyone meet at the restaurant at 5" She heard Chaeyoung say.

"perfect" Somi whispers to herself and heads back to where chuu was.

"oh I wonder where you went." She says sarcastically.

"See it wasn't so hard. They will all be at the restaurant tonight and guess who else will be there"

"Umm Justin Bieber?"

"ha ha. No. It's me. I'll be there and Chaeyoung and I will be making out in the bathroom."

"how exactly will that happen? Will she just magically confuse you for Mina?"

"I don't know that yet but you will make sure that Mina goes into the bathroom and finds us."


"yes, you. did i stutter?"

"Fine but this is the last straw okay? I need to study"

"fine lets go before they notice us."

Both girls left but Chaeyoung actually did see Somi hiding behind the vending machine. She knew once she past Somi that she would try something so she decided to say it out loud what their plans were for tonight.

now she just needs to know what Somi is planning.

'Who is that girl she was with' thought Chaeyoung before she returned to her previous conversations.


Omfg I just posted this chapter on my other story 😂😂😂

sorry if anyone got confused but here it is. 

Also thanks for the messages, I am feeling better!

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