The Talk

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'How? How did she move on so fast? We had 2 years of memories, of moments of everything and this person comes into her life and... and it's over? i never even thought about another girl this whole time.' Cheayoung thinks as she is in class with her headphones on. 

'God i feel so stupid. I am so stupid. this whole time. It was about the sex. My body. her body. from the beginning she started it. she flirted with me first. I would never dare to do anything if she hadn't first.' still in her head Chaeyoung is not gonna recover from this so fast because of course she was still in love with Mina. 

How can she get over someone like her? 'I guess I just wasn't what she wanted seeing a she moved on and found someone better.' 

All these thoughts are running through her head until someone interrupts. 

"hey, can we talk?"

it's Mina. 

Chaeyoung just stares at her blankly. Somehow still in awe of her beautify as she was every time mina walked in the room.

Still just starring at Mina she manages to bluntly say "Uh, I'm in class." 

Mina looks around but there's nobody there. 

"I think your class is over. I saw people heading out."

Chaeyoung looks around confused. 'when did everyone leave.' probably so in her mind she didn't even notice everyone left.

"I guess I fell asleep." She says awkwardly  

Mina chuckles a bit. "you always do that when you're thinking too hard." 

"what are you talking about?" Chaeyoung starts gathering her things to head out because she really doesn't want to talk to her as she was still embarrassed and upset from her confession and rejection from yesterday. 

Mina reaches her hand out to Chaeyoung cheek. "does it hurt?" Mina says as she notices Her neck and chin were a bit red, assuming it was from the hot coffee from yesterday.

They both just freeze  as they remember that their mere touch make each other so horny. 

Mina gulps. "please, let's just talk." she says as her and Chaeyoung finally make eye contact. 

Chaeyoung just stares at her, giving in out of annoyance and Minas soft hands still on her but she decided she wouldn't give in so easily. "sure whats up." she bluntly says while at the same time shrugging Minas hand off of her. 

"Are you mad?"

Chaeyoung scoffs. "why should I be mad?" 

"Chae. I thought you didn't want a relationship. you never made any effort to try and ask me or get close in that sense." 

"Me? you know there's two of us right? did you want something more? did you want to be with me like I with you?"

Mina thinks about this for a minute. just starring at Chaeyoung. The person she did want to be with. But she also thought about how long it took for Chaeyoung to realize. It took Jeongyeon a freaking week. that was all she wanted. But Chaeyoung. 

'Chaeyoung was all she ever wanted all day everyday.' she thought, but as she was about to speak up she gets interrupted. 

"Okay I get it. you really don't have to stand there and pretend to think about it okay. I'm a big girl. I guess we were just fuck buddies."

"What, no Chaeyoung we wer-" 

She gets cut off again. "look. I'll get over it okay? You be with your new girl friend. I'm sorry I realized too late that I wanted you to be mine and only mine." Chaeyoung says annoyed just thinking about Mina with someone else. 

Now a pissed Chaeyoung decides to throw a hard ball.  She leans close and whispers softly into minas ear knowing damn well that this is Minas weakness, just the feeling of Cheayoungs sweet scent makes Mina rethink everything and make her want to give it all up. "just don't come back to me when your new girl friend cant find that sweet spot that I know very well okay baby.?"

Mina shuts her eyes in frustration as she found her self already starting to have irregular breathing just from the small interaction. 

She is weak. She has always been week for this tiger. 

She finally opens her eyes but Chaeyoung was long gone. 


Still hurt on how easily Mina had replaced her. Chaeyoung rushed to her dorm still thinking about how to go about her life with out her routine that was Mina. 

The every week "meetups" 

The every week pillow talks. 

The every week cuddles and the endless amount of kisses she would never get tired of giving the most beautiful girl she knew she would ever lay her eyes on. 

"I'll show her. I'll make sure she knows what she's missing." 

Chaeyoung says with a smirk and a plan...


Getting serious writers block over here. I rewrote this a couple of times. tbh I might change it later if I come up with something better as this story has caught up with real life and the real life is sadly not so romantic. 

So now I am trying to make the story ten times better for anyone who is out there reading. 

Lmk if you have any suggestions. I might use them!

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