Cock block part 3

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Mina knocks on the door but Chaeyoung doesn't answer. 

"Chea please come out, i just want to explain and apologize. please." Mina says softly but enough for Chaeyoung to hear. 

Chaeyoung decides to come out and they both just stare at each other intensly without saying anything. 

After a few more seconds of this starring competition Chaeyoung walks back to the couch and sits down. 

"I'm listening." Chaeyoung says firmly while waiting for mina to come and sit next to her 

Mina makes her way over and sits next to Chaeyoung and takes a deep breath in. 

"look I'm sorry Chaeng, I am really sorry I treated you that way, so horribly. I know you don't deserve that when you have been nothing but very very very kind." she says as she looks down to Chaeyoungs legs. 

~So horny chill!~

"hey! eyes up here missy." Chaeyoung notices and she warns mina. 

Mina coughs to play it off and continues with this apology. 

Mina takes her hand and rubs it gently making Chaeyoung blush unintentionally. 

"Chaeyoung listen I really don't have any other explanation other than I was a douche. My friends have put this imagine in my head about who I need to be and who I can and cannot hang out with and I listened to them because they kind of run the school and for once I was finally cool. I'm sorry you got in the middle of this and I made you feel bad. please what can I do to get your forgiveness?"

Chaeyoung thought about it for a while as she was starring at minas eyes still holding each others hands. 

She knew mina was being sincere. This is the first time Mina has ever done this. I mean, it's literally been a week but still. Mina doesn't seem like a bully. 

'should I give her another chance?' thought Chaeyoung as she is looking at Mina still. 

Mina is willing to do anything to get back on Chaeyoungs good side. She knew that she could not loose Chaeyoung. She has never met anyone like her. 

Since Chaeyoung is still thinking about it Mina takes this opportunity to get a little closer to try to convince her faster. 

"Please oh please Chaeyoungie. I will do anythingggg." Mina says in a sexy but cute way, If even possible and puts her hands on Chaeyoungs upper thigh. 

Chaeyoung is so week. She smiles surendering herself because who can resist this penguin. 

Mina starts to lean in closer to chaeyoungs face before a hand gets in the way. 

"woah there. hold your horses." 

"whats wrong? I thought we were okay now?" mina says with a pout. 

"yes we are now but are you gonna do that again?"

"do what again?" 

Chaeyoung stares at mina with a blank face. "ignore me at school? or should we just pretend to not know each other?" Chaeyoung says sarcastically. 

Mina looks down without saying anything yet. 

"I guess you'll want to keep your cool image right? I don't have any friends yet so I didn't really think it would be a bad idea to hang out at lunch."

"No Chaeyoung it wasn't a bad idea, that was just a moment of weakness. It won't happen again! The only weakness I'll show you is right here or in my bedroom..." 

Chaeyoung catches on and is satisfied with her answer and gives mina a small smirk while her eyes trail from Minas eyes to her mouth. 

Their faces both equally getting closer by the second until finally! their lips meet and they start going crazy on each other like if they didn't just do this yesterday. like if it was the first time tasting each others soft tender lips. 

Next thing you know both of their shirts are thrown on the floor and mina mounted Chaeyoung while she is sitting on the couch. Mina starts to thrust her hips on top of Chaeyoung making each other moan softly. 

Their hands both roaming eachothers bodies. still attacking one another's mouth. making each other feel amazing.  

Chaeyoungs hand finally finds her way under Minas skirt and she feels it. Minas wet center. They both gasp. None of them have ever even done this kind of activity but it just felt right. Chaeyoung starts rubbing mina from outside her panties and already Mina starts to moan Chaeyoungs name. 

She is so weak for this bean and she did not want to stop. 

Chaeyoung is still rubbing mina the right way while devouring her breasts. They are so in the moment when...



"YOU'VE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW" Chaeyoung says annoyingly. 

Mina is still panting and rolls her eyes as she gets off of Chaeyoung. 

They both sit on the couch and put on their clothes 

"I swear I told her to leave me for a longer time." Cheayoung pouts and checks the time. 

It's still early.


Mina is just starring smirking at Chaeyoung because she looks so hot when she is upset.

"its okay" mina puts her arms around her neck. Chaeyoung calms down after this action.

"We were so close to getting to the good stuff." Chaeyoung says and Mina giggles. 

"I promise tomorrow I will stay longer and I wont be able to get away" 

Mina smirks at Chaeyoung and connects their lips again. They start making out again and tongues get involved in the matter. Of course Chaeyoungs' hands start roaming and sqeeze Minas ass. Mina smiles though their kiss. 


They both roll their eyes. 

"See you tomorrow?" -

"See you tomorrow" -M

Without realizing that tomorrow is Saturday...


Sorry for another cock block. hehe but it happened to me too sooo.

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