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She opens it and she did not expect this person to be behind the door...



"What are you doing here?" Mina says with obvious anger rising within. 

"Well since I know that you and my Chaengie are friends I wanted your help."

"Help? Chaengie? her name is Chaeyoung to you and I don't even know you so why would you try to bother me." 

"Please I need Chaeyoung to like me back! I will do anything." The girl pleads now gripping Minas arm now.  

Mina chuckles and removes her hand from off of herself.  "The only way that you will get Chaeyoung is if I am dead so you can kiss that little dream goodbye sweetie, and how the hell did you even know where my room was? were you following me?" 

Now the girls eyes have turned wicked as she is about to speak again. 

"Listen to me you little bitch I know about you and my Chaengie. I know what you two were doing secretly. I would see every time you would meet in her room and then stay the night.  if you even go near her again I swear you will regret it." She says leaning closer to Mina almost whispering. 

Minas anger rising every second this girl decides to open her yap. She just glares at this girl because she really thinks she is going to lose her mind. 

Mina comes closer to her, growing taller somehow, not scared at all and says  "Okay now listen to ME you little bitch. If YOU go near Chaeyoung again i promise you will regret it. the only thing scary about you is your big ass feet. I don't care how much you think you like Chaeyoung but I love her. and she loves me." Mina says lowering her voice but in the most serious tone she has ever spoken. 

She continues. "If I see you talking to her again I promise I wont stop myself." the girl now looking a bit intimidating but trying not to show it starts to step back a little. 

"if you don't leave this building in the next minute I promise you will see what i am made of." Mina says without a single stutter or flinch. The only one who did flinch was this stupid girl. 

The girl retreats but has a look in her eye. A look that says she will most definitely be back. 

Mina shuts the door, still trying to process what the hell just happened. She gets her phone out to text Chaeyoung back but she didn't realize that she received another one first. probably while that girl 'ugh what was her name again? anyways' Mina thinks as she opens the message. 

-okay, sorry to bother you.- 

"oh fuck" Mina says again but with a different meaning this time as she just blew it by taking to long to respond. She gets sad just thinking about the disappointed face Chae must have had after Mina didn't respond. 

'should I text her back? should I end this mess?' these thought were going off in Minas head when suddenly 


"What the fok now?!" Mina says as she gets up to answer the door for a second time that night.  


Sorry for the short update but another coming tonight since I don't work tomorrow. 

Oh also for whoever reads my comments, let me know if this sounds interesting. 

(Two girls meet at summer camp. They have an obvious thing for one another and something happens one summer between each other. They live so far away from each other so the only time they see each other is through the summer every year. I can also put in the rest of the group in it this time. Obviously through Michaeng perspective.) 

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