Adventure begins

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They were walking down stairs and Chaeyoung slaps Minas ass before they enter the living room. 

-Oh shit- thought mina and just stared blankly as she entered the living room. -This will be more fun than she thought. This bean is bold. 

Cheayoung doesn't know where that came from but she was still annoyed that they couldn't continue their little "session" from before, so I guess this is all the action for today. 

They both smirked evilly as they got to where Minas mom was in the kitchen. 

"Oh my goodness Chaeyoung! you are so grownup and So beautiful! Mina look at her she is so beautiful right?" Minas mom asks 

Mina stares at Cheayoung up and down. "Oh yes mom Chaeyoung is soo beautiful" This makes Chaeyoung blush and now they are both just starring at each other in the eyes not saying a word. 

Minas mom finally interrupts their little starring contest because it was a little weird but she didn't think much of it. 

"Yes so anyways how have you been Chaeyoung? " She says and gestures them both to sit across from her in the kitchen island while she prepares a snack for them. 

Mina takes this opportunity to get closer since they are both sitting next to each other, legs lightly grazing. Minas mom is totally oblivious from the fact that these girls are so horny for each other. 

As Minas mom keeps asking Chaeyoung every detail about how she has been doing since they last saw her Mina decides to take her shot. 

Since their hands are under the island Mina slowly glides hers over Chaeyoungs Thighs. Chaeyoung jumps slightly and covers her surprised face with a cough. 

"Are you okay sweetie?" Minas mom so lovingly asks and doesn't even know what's going on, on the other side. 

"Oh yes yes all good, just got something in my throat. but any ways..." Chaeyoung continues as she is blushing madly 

Minas is enjoying making Chaeyoung nervous so she continues her little hand game. 

As Chaeyoung is talking, Mina is squeezing and rubbing Chaeyoungs Thighs. Chaeyoung is smirking while trying to answer the questions and scolds after she told minas mom why she got kicked out of her last school. 

 There isn't really much she can do because it would be obvious.  but mina wanted to touch it so bad. and by it I think you know. The thing mina craved only from this girl. Mina has never ever done this to anyone. 

Maybe its because Chaeyoung is somewhat familiar or She is so attracted to her that she cant control herself. Mina tells her mom to get Chaeyoung some water. When her mom turns around minas slides her hand higher and finally starts to rub Chaeyoung from the outside of her panties. 

Chaeyoung gasps and has her mouth open when she feels minas hands start doing her magic. Chaeyoung again turns a dark shade of red. She looks at mina quickly with a slight smile of approval before minas mom turns back around with the glass of water. 

Chaeyoung leans forward on the counter and thanks minas mom as much as she could get a word out as mina is still rubbing her pussy while looking nonchalantly at her mom. 

Mina takes her hand away and Chaeyoung takes a sip of water to try and normalize her breathing since she started to sweat and stumble of her words.  Chaeyoung is confused as to why Mina stopped because she was actually enjoying the secrecy of their little game. 

Mina suddenly stands up after her mom stops talking. "Mom Chaeyoung and I are gonna go back up to my room and hang out if you are done with your "interview" with her." 

Minas mom and Chaeyoung laugh after they hear this  because it was so random but Chaeyoung got a little excited and starts to stand up while smiling. 

"oh sure girls have fun, reconnect, get to know each other again." Minas mom says while waving them off. 

Mina grabs Chaeyoungs hand and starts running up with her.


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