Epilogue End - Back to Basics 💥

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Mina woke up and saw no one was next to her. She checked her phone and she had one notification. 

~~left early for work, love you. see you. 

Mina sighed. it seems she's been doing a lot of that lately. 

its Saturday though, she was happy she didn't have to work today since yesterday was so stressful, there was nothing bothering her. Even her wife was gone. "I miss my chaengie" she said to herself. Chaeyoung unfortunately works on Saturday sometimes. 

She went to the kitchen and saw her favorite dinner on the stove. She checked it out but it was cold. 'this is the dinner Chae prepared' She wrinkled her eyes  and thought about what Chaeyoung must have been up to. she probably wanted to make a special dinner for some reason. But what would it be.'

'i was really horrible to her last night and i didn't even apologize.' 'I'll go have lunch in her office. she'll be really surprised.'


Chaeyoung was sitting in her office working quietly. she's been very quiet since last night. she cant get Mina out of her head.

"knock knock.. Chae! how did last night go?" Tzuyu came in her office expecting her friend to be in a good mood. 

"hey tzu, oh was fine. all good" she said emotionless. 

She wrinkled her eyebrows. "you sure? you don't seem fine. Did something happen?"

"mm things didn't go as expected but I will keep trying. "

"you didn't talk?"

"she just had a long day, I just wont bother her with that anymore I guess. Then I kinda fled the scene and ran....literally." She chuckled. 

"you ran? why?"

"i felt a little embarrassed. she's never turned me down like that"

"you need to stop being so quiet chae. you have never been quiet to share what you're thinking."

"Its different with Mina though. she's my all and I don't want to upset her, I want to be what she needs."

"well what about your needs though?"

"they don't matter" Chaeyoung looked down. 

"Hey.. cmon chae cheer up. your gonna be fine, and by next week im sure itll be okay"

she nodded her head again and Tzuyu stepped out of her office. 


now she been working non stop, everyone knows that when she is in the zone with her door closed, she should not be bothered. 

*knock*knock* Someone opens the door abruptly and Chaeyoung now gets upset. 

"how many fucking times do i have to tell you guys not to bother me when my door is closed!?"

"Chaeng?" Mina got surprised. she has never heard her wife yell like that. 

Chaeyoung took her headphones off and turned around. She was surprised it was Mina who came in. "mina wha?" 

"oh sorry hun, i didnt know" Mina put her head down and was about to leave but Chaeyoung got up quickly to stop her. 

"wait wait, i didn't know you were coming, stay"

"I wanted to surprise you and maybe talk?"

"yes of course let me just clear these things, my assistant should have told you about my door and stuff."

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